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Bike Sharing Report Demonstrates U.S. DOT Support for Carbon-free Transportation

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In September 2012, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHA) published a report analyzing the success of existing bike sharing programs in the United States and details considerations and recommendations for future programs. The guide, titled “Bike Sharing…

2012 Carbon Disclosure Project Report Indicates Reduced Corporate Carbon Emissions

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A recent report by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) concludes that S&P 500 corporations are increasingly factoring carbon reductions into their business models in an effort to reduce their ecological footprint. The “CDP S&P 500 Climate Change Report” analyzes the…

NASA Summer Temperature Anomalies

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The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has released a 16-second animation showing a shift in the distribution of summer temperature anomalies (that is, exceptionally hot or exceptionally cold days in the summer). The animation begins in the year 1950 and…

Chu and Majumdar Article Describes the Opportunities and Challenges of a Clean Energy Future

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Last week, the journal Nature published a report by U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and former director of Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Arun Majumdar discussing clean energy sources and their potential role in the energy system. Their article,…

Friedman Article Examines Smart Natural Gas Development

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Thomas Friedman’s recent op-ed article in the New York Times featured a quote from Hal regarding the introduction of natural gas as a viable energy source. The article, “Get it Right on Gas,” supports the increased use of natural gas…

Hal Discusses Energy Resource Problems and Opportunities at Equilibrium Capital Forum

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In late June, Hal participated in the Equilibrium Capital Forum, which brought together business professionals to discuss potential investment opportunities in the green building, renewable energy, and food industries. Hal’s presentation, titled “Hope and Fear,”  discussed climate change issues and…

Arun Majumdar Discusses Breakthrough Energy Technologies and Market Demand

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Arun Majumdar, the former director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), recently shared insights on the agency’s energy technology projects and their potential in the market as part of a lecture series for energy professionals hosted by…

Hal Meets Vice Chairman Xie Zhenhua

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On a recent trip to China, Hal met with Xie Zhenhua, Vice Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and a member of the CPC’s Central Committee. Vice Chairman Xie is in charge of energy development and policy…

Hal at Sesame Workshop / Paulson Institute Panel

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The Paulson Institute and Sesame Workshop, the non-profit organization behind the Sesame Street TV show, recently convened a panel to discuss a new children’s education program in China. Hal was one of the experts who spoke on the panel. The…

Natural Gas, Methane Leakage, and Climate Change

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There is an interesting discussion going on in the scientific literature about the amount of reduction in global warming that might occur through switching from coal to natural gas for electrical power production. The rate of leakage of methane (CH4),…