Energy Policy Simulator Model Results

Energy Innovation has developed an Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) model for Brazil, CanadaChina, the European Union, India, MexicoIndonesia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and the United States — with more to come. Together, these countries represent 64 percent of global emissions.

The EPS identifies policies capable of securing deep decarbonization and recommends the most effective policies for each country or subnational region while evaluating the economic, emissions, and public health impacts of those policies. It provides much more flexibility than other models in modeling policy options while accounting correctly for policy interactions.

Top publications of EPS-driven research broken down by national and sub-national region are detailed below.

Canada Energy Policy Simulator

California Energy Policy Simulator

China Energy Policy Simulator

Hong Kong Energy Policy Simulator

India Energy Policy Simulator

Indonesia Energy Policy Simulator

Mexico Energy Policy Simulator

Poland Energy Policy Simulator

United States Energy Policy Simulator