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Calthorpe Discusses the Future of China’s Cities

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In early December, Fortune Magazine published an article about urban designer Peter Calthorpe, discussing the need to change the structure of Chinese cities as the country continues to urbanize. Calthorpe has been working with Chinese developers and is helping plan…

Hank Paulson on China’s Potential for Sustainable Urbanization

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On December 4th the New York Times published an op-ed piece by Henry (Hank) Paulson discussing China’s need for sustainable urbanization as the country’s population continues to grow and migrate to cities. Paulson is former Chief Executive Officer of Goldman…

Clean Energy Endeavors Launched

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We have just launched a new section of our website: Clean Energy Endeavors (CEE). CEE includes short profiles of 33 companies and projects across the U.S. in the clean energy and energy efficiency fields. While some of the energy security,…

Stanford, Brookings Experts Recommend that REITs and MLPs be Extended to Renewable Energy Investment

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  Smarter Finance for Cleaner Energy makes the argument that innovation in the advanced energy sector will be stifled so long as conventional energy projects have better access to low-cost capital.  This policy proposal, published by the Steyer-Taylor Center for…

John Doerr on Research, Immigration, and Education

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Recently John Doerr (a member of the American Energy Innovation Council) and Ted Schlein, venture capitalists with Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, wrote this article for Fortune magazine on federal support for research and entrepreneurship in the United States. They…

Businessweek Article Highlights the Role of Climate Change in Natural Disasters

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Businessweek recently published an article discussing the causes and consequences of Hurricane Sandy, and how to better prepare for future natural disasters. “It’s Global Warming, Stupid” includes analysis from a range of prominent figures in the energy and policy realms,…

Op-Ed by Neil Lane and U.S. Support for R&D

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Neal F. Lane, the former director of the National Science Foundation and chief Science and Technology Advisor to President Bill Clinton, has written a sharp op-ed in the New York Times about government funding of scientific research.  He makes two…

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Releases 2011 U.S. Energy Flow Chart

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) recently released its annual energy flow chart depicting the path from energy sources to their end-uses. The charts are developed using data from the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. The LLNL chart shows that…

Energy Efficiency Programs in Southwest Expected to Realize Billions in Net Benefits

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In early October, the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) published a report highlighting the economic, environmental, and health benefits that would result from investing in utility energy efficiency programs. The report, titled “The $20 Billion Bonanza”, claims that investing $17…

New Emissions Laws Encourage Sustainable Development in California Communities

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California’s metropolitan regions are shifting away from urban sprawl and moving towards sustainable community development. This transition is due, in part, to the passing of Senate Bill 375, the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008, which targets greenhouse…