Press Archive

Refining Competitive Electricity Market Rules To Unlock Flexibility

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal and Robbie Orvis outline how to increase grid flexibility in competitive energy markets by refining market rules in Electricity Journal.

PJM Adequacy Analysis Approved Despite Concerns

Analysis from EI’s Robbie Orvis is featured in an article discussing PJM’s report on power plant reliability during the Bomb Cyclone weather event.

Can Smaller Blocks Bring People To Chenggong?

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing how sustainable urban development can improve livability in China’s planned city of Chenggong.

Energy Lobbyists Have A New PAC To Push For A Carbon Tax. Wait, What?

EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted on carbon price modeling in an article discussing a new conservative effort to establish a federal carbon tax.

Conservatives Hate Trump’s Coal And Nuclear Bailout — That’s A Big Political Problem

EI’s Silvio Marcacci highlights how conservatives are criticizing Trump’s proposed coal and nuclear bailout and why it could be a bigger political problem for him than other administration scandals.

Reactions To Ontario’s Swift Exit From WCI, Cap-And-Trade

EI’s Chris Busch is quoted discussing the carbon market implications of Ontario’s withdrawal from the Western Climate Initiative cap-and-trade market.

Should The Regulatory Two-Step Give Way To A New, Performance-Based Dance?

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal is quoted in an article discussing the ongoing shift toward performance-based regulation by U.S. utilities in response to evolving customer demands for clean energy resources.

New Jersey Is Now The United States’ Hottest Clean Energy Economy

EI’s Mike O’Boyle and NJ Conservation Foundation’s Barb Blumenthal say New Jersey is the hottest U.S. clean energy market with a 50% renewable energy by 2030 goal as well as America’s most ambitious offshore wind and energy storage targets.

New Jersey (Re)emerges As A National Clean Energy Leader

EI’s Mike O’Boyle co-authors an editorial describing how New Jersey’s new clean energy legislation will help it re-emerge as a national leader on offshore wind, solar power, efficiency, and energy storage.

Trump Wants to Bail Out Coal and Nuclear Power. Here’s Why That Will Be Hard.

EI’s analysis of the cost impacts from a federal coal and nuclear bailout of U.S. power plants is featured in an article assessing if the proposal will work.

Five Questions on Trump’s Coal, Nuke Bailout

EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted on the potential cost implications of DOE’s proposal to coal and nuclear bailout to keep uneconomic plants online.

Uneconomic Coal Could Be Squeezed Out Of European Union Power Markets By 2030

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says economics and climate policies are squeezing European Union coal generation, closing power plants and threatening huge stranded asset costs. Coal could be completely uneconomic in the EU as soon as 2030.

Arizona Water Provider Approves Record-Low-Cost Solar PPA To Replace Coal

EI’s Mike O’Boyle is featured in an article discussing a new record low-cost solar PPA price for an Arizona utility seeking to replace coal-fired generation.

ERCOT’s Summer Peak Demand Forecast: New Investment, Generator Profits, No Blackouts

EI’s Eric Gimon discusses how the ERCOT summer peak demand forecast will weather tight supply margins and attract new investment without suffering blackouts.

What Trump’s “Unprecedented” Power Plant Bailout Could Mean For The Ohio Valley

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal outlines how the Trump Administration’s power plant bailout proposal could be delayed by legal challenges.

Administration Proposes Emergency Measure To Save Coal And Nuclear. How Will It Impact Consumers?

EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted in an article discussing potential consumer costs from the Trump Administration’s coal and nuclear bailout proposal.

Bailing Out The Coal Industry Will Hurt Consumers

EI’s analysis of potential consumer costs for a coal industry bailout is featured in an opinion article criticizing the proposal in the New York Times.

Trump Officials Planning To Force Americans To Spend $311m-$11.8b/Year To Keep Unprofitable Coal And Nuclear Energy Plants From Shutting

EI analysis of potential consumer costs from a federal coal and nuclear bailout is cited in an article discussing the Trump Administration’s policy proposal.

Trump Administration Taking ‘Immediate Steps’ To Try To Stop Closure Of Coal, Nuclear Power Plants

EI analysis of the potential consumer cost implications of a federal subsidy for coal and nuclear is cited in an article discussing the Trump Administration’s policy proposal.

Trump Orders A Lifeline For Struggling Coal And Nuclear Plants

EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted discussing potential costs of a federal coal and nuclear bailout an article summarizing President Trump’s proposal to subsidize these generation sources using emergency wartime powers.