Press Archive

As Solar Power Surges, U.S. Wind Is In Trouble

EI’s joint research with the Rhodium Group and the REPEAT project finds that solar power is on pace to meet its targets, but that wind capacity is lagging behind.

A Tiny Farmworker Community Is Eyed For California Hydrogen Experiment

EI research finds that a more effective way of lowering gas utility emissions is to repair leaks and improve insulation inside homes.

How Biden Would Address Climate Change In A Second Term

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal explains that advanced reconductoring is a quicker process than building new transmission lines, which will allow the U.S. to meet the growing energy demand more efficiently.

White House Announces A Program Aimed At Improving The Country’s Electric Grid

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains how advanced conductoring can improve transmission capacity and create a more reliable grid.

The Outdated Power Grid Is Nearing A Crisis Point. Here’s How To Prevent It

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains that advanced reconductoring can be the solution for doubling our transmission capacity in a short amount of time.

What EPA’s Carbon Rule Means For The Highest-Emitting Coal Plants

EI’s Brendan Pierpont explains that the coal industry is experiencing a structural decline and that the EPA’s ruling pushes the industry to make a decision.

Study: Manufacturing Key To Reining In Chinese Emissions

New EI research finds that China’s industrial sector is responsible for 61% of the country’s carbon dioxide emissions.

Biden’s $7B ‘Clean’ Hydrogen Dream Faces Pipelines Hurdle

EI’s Dan Esposito explains the importance of determining where hydrogen is being used since it will determine our reliance on pipelines.

Electrifying China’s Industry Is Critical To Meeting Climate Goals

Industry is the largest emitting sector in China, the world’s largest emitting country. Heat pumps and thermal batteries could cut pollution and costs.

Can Industry Eliminate Its Carbon Pollution?

EI’s Jeff Rissman discusses his book, Zero-Carbon Industry, and explains the roadmap for eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector.

Stakeholder Soapbox: It’s Time For New Wires On America’s Grid

EI’s Eric Gimon urges federal and state regulators not to overlook advanced reconductoring as a less expensive way to increase transmission capacity.

Trump Leads Biden in New Battleground Polls. The Economic Stakes Are High.

The Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy tax credits have generated over $250 billion in project announcements that could create more than 140,000 new jobs.

The World’s Biggest Plant To Pull Carbon From The Sky Just Opened

EI’s Eric Gimon argues that the 2022 United Nations report is no reason slow down decarbonization efforts and that carbon capturing could help.

California’s Dream Of A Green Hydrogen Future Could Backfire

EI’s Dan Esposito expresses concerns that federal incentives for hydrogen could lead to energy wastage, as hydrogen production is expensive and not economically viable without these subsidies.

Transition-AI: Can The Grid Handle AI’s Power Demand?

EI’s Michelle Solomon joins a panel of experts to discuss her recent research on the ways utilities can meet rising demand without building new gas plants.

EV Sales Are Taking Off. Why Is Oil Demand Still Climbing?

EI’s Anand Gopal forecasts that the rise of electric vehicles marks a transformative shift that will quickly reduce oil demand as the adoption of EVs accelerates.

How EVs Became So Polarized

EI research and modeling finds that EVs can save $14-$80 per refuel compared to the gas powered equivalent.

12 Red And Blue States Tap Billions In Federal Funds For Home Energy Upgrades

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains how nearly $9 billion in federal funds is starting to pour into red and blue states for home energy improvements.

EPA Climate Rule Has Safety Valves. Here’s What That Means.

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains that the EPA climate rule can basically revert to the emissions rates, which creates a a two-pronged approach to ensure electrical grid stability.

3 Energy Questions Hang Over EPA’s Carbon Rule

Improving the transmission system in the U.S. could allow for more low-carbon energy and get more out of the grid, according to EI’s Michelle Solomon.