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How Climate-Induced Risks Affect Power System Planning In The U.S. Southeast

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Given the long lifespans of power system investments, planning should start incorporating climate change effects. A new study provides a valuable example of an approach to more comprehensively integrate climate risks in long-term electricity planning. This work also illustrates an important win-win in that solar power is both an effective adaptation (helping to reduce summer peak) and carbon mitigation strategy, highlighting positive, no-regret investments.

Coal Cost Crossover 2.0 Interactive

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This visual interactive feature allows users to explore the major findings of the Coal Cost Crossover 2.0 report. Users can scroll to view interactive maps showing the specific locations of uneconomic coal plants and regions where new solar or new wind resources would be cheaper than existing coal.

Accelerating Electrified Transportation By 2035 Online Data Explorer

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This dynamic online data explorer supports the 2035 2.0 research by allowing anyone to explore how all-electric vehicle sales by 2035 impact vehicle cost, sales, and stock over time, as well as associated job creation and reductions in carbon emissions, and impacts on the power sector.

Understanding Soil Carbon Science To Identify Strategies For Climate Mitigation And Adaptation

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Soil scientists disagree about whether soil carbon sequestration can effectively help decarbonize the atmosphere, but this debate does not undermine the substantive body of science supporting immediate, widespread adoption of practices protecting and restoring soil carbon.

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal Appointed To White House Office Of Domestic Climate Policy

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Statement from Energy Innovation CEO Hal Harvey on Sonia Aggarwal’s appointment to serve as a climate policy advisor in the Biden administration.

The Paris Agreement, Five Years Later: What Research Says About Future Directions

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The Paris Agreement’s five year anniversary was marked by governments enacting policy to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions, as well as the U.S. announcing it will re-enter the pact. But what exactly does the U.S. stand to gain by rejoining, and what can nations gain from renewed ambition?

Climate Policy Is Health Policy: Understanding Policy Effects On Health, Climate, And Jobs With A Powerful Online Modeling Tool

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Modeling using the updated Energy Policy Simulator with added public health capabilities finds a set of clean energy policies that achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 would save more than 45,000 lives while preventing 1.3 million asthma attacks, more than 25,000 hospital admissions, and almost 4.5 million lost workdays every year by 2050.

United States EPS 3.0 Update Adds GDP and Jobs Impacts, Improved Public Health Metrics, and More

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The United States Energy Policy Simulator 3.0 update includes the ability to model how policies will affect gross domestic product (GDP), jobs, and employee compensation, and also incorporates data on public health impacts per ton of pollutant.

“The Right Policy Can Turn Things Around”: Hal Harvey And John Doerr On The Countdown To Net Zero

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Energy Innovation’s CEO Hal Harvey joins acclaimed venture capitalist John Doerr to discuss the breakthroughs we need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, as part of the global launch of the Countdown initiative.

Climate Impacts Of Scaling Up Biofuels And Bioenergy

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Research demonstrates well-designed policies can help biofuels and bioenergy meet niche energy needs sustainably, while alternative technologies mature and deploy at scale.