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Energy Innovation CEO Hal Harvey Presents at Argonne National Lab

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On October 10, 2013, Energy Innovation CEO Hal Harvey gave a presentation on the future of clean energy in the U.S. electricity sector at Argonne National Laboratory outside of Chicago. Hal’s presentation, titled “Clean Power: How Far Can We Go?”,…

GenConnect Interviews Hal on Earth’s Future Threats and Energy Prospects

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Last week, GenConnect posted its interview with Hal Harvey at the Aspen Ideas Festival in June 2013. GenConnect, an online platform that provides expert recommendations on current events, asked Hal about the biggest environmental challenges and what today’s young adult…

The IPCC and Public Debate on Science

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Last week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the first part of its fifth assessment report.  This is a big event: IPCC reports are mammoth, multi-part documents that compile and summarize a vast range of widely-accepted scientific information…

Climate Action Report Outlines Impact of Current, Future Efforts Toward Emissions Reduction

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On September 26, the U.S. State Department released its sixth Climate Action Report (CAR6). This report, published every four years as required by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), projects how current U.S. actions will impact greenhouse…

A Reason for Hope: Climate Change and Policy Solutions

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At the 2013 Aspen Ideas Festival, Hal presented on the impacts of climate change and how policy and technology can minimize or reverse these trends. The produced video of Hal’s presentation, “Fear and Hope: Climate Change and Policy Solutions,” can…

Energy Innovation Releases Brief about Germany’s Transition to Renewable Energy

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This week, Energy Innovation released a brief on Germany’s energy transition, written by Hal Harvey, focusing on the country’s Energiewende and the successes and failures of its Feed-in Tariff program. In the last several years, Germany has become a global…

America’s Power Plan Offers Policy Recommendations for the Nation’s Energy Future

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This morning, Energy Innovation, in partnership with the Energy Foundation, unveiled America’s Power Plan (APP), a toolkit designed to help energy decision-makers determine the policies needed to allow for a successful transformation of America’s electricity system. Building upon previous studies,…

Proposed Ruling for Federal Fracking Regulations Receives Mixed Reviews

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On August 23rd, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) closed its submission period for public comments regarding its revised proposed ruling for federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing. The ruling, “Oil and Gas; Hydraulic Fracturing, on Federal and Indian Lands,” was…

“The User’s Guide to Energy” Answers Big Energy Questions, Offers Climate Solutions

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The Atlantic has created “The User’s Guide to Energy,” a special report on the magazine’s website. While content is still being added, the website will feature a series of six videos and a collection of short articles that describe energy’s…

Solar Leasing Gains Traction in California

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Climate Policy Initiative’s latest report, “Improving Solar Policy: Lesson from the Solar Leasing Boom in California,” reveals that 75 percent of new residential solar systems installed in California are being leased rather than bought, up substantially from 10 percent just…