Press Archive

Rollback Will Cost Economy $400B — Analysis

EI’s modeling is featured in an article discussing the $400 billion in potential economic damage that Trump’s clean cars rollback could cost U.S. consumers.

Memo To The Auto Industry: Time To Join California And Leaders Opposing Trump Clean Cars Rollback

Margo Oge says now that automakers have joined California to oppose the Trump clean cars rollback, the rest of the auto industry should join them.

Wholesale Electricity Market Design For Rapid Decarbonization: A Decentralized Markets Approach

Two analysts say a decentralized approach can resolve the problems facing wholesale electricity markets stuck between fossil fuels and clean energy.

Can American Utilities Profit From The Energy Transition?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle details the financial challenge facing fossil fuel generation in an article exploring the utility clean energy transition.

Bigger, Younger Coal Plants Are Retiring

EI’s coal crossover research is cited in an article discussing the trend of newer and larger coal plants retiring across the U.S.

Solving Climate Change Is Possible, We Already Have The Tools, Says Energy Expert Hal Harvey

EI’s Hal Harvey is profiled in an article discussing his work to develop the policies required to solve climate change.

Harvesting Hybrid Solutions From Performance-Based Rates: “Not All Or Nothing”

EI’s Mike O’Boyle details how performance-based rates can reduce friction for utilities undergoing a clean energy transition.

Performance-Based Regulation: Seeking The New Utility Business Model

EI’s Mike O’Boyle highlights which states are leading the push to implement performance-based regulation for electricity utilities – and which are lagging.

We Went to the Moon. Why Can’t We Solve Climate Change?

EI’s Hal Harvey discusses why political will – not technological breakthroughs – is the “moon shot” we need to prevent dangerous climate change.

Four Economic Reasons Renewables Will Dominate Fossil Fuels

EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article outlining economic reasons renewable energy will capture an increasing energy market share over fossil fuels.

Market Design for Rapid Decarbonization

EI’s Robbie Orvis outlines the barriers wholesale electricity markets face with rapid decarbonization, and two potential pathways for grid operators to overcome them.

Historic US Gov’t Data Shows Renewables Have Eclipsed Coal

EI’s coal cost crossover research is cited in an article highlighting renewables passing coal in the U.S.

A Quick Shift To Electric Vehicles Could Drive The Green New Deal Forward

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal discusses the economic upside of electrifying vehicles and mass transit through a Green New Deal.

Broad US Power Sector Emissions Reduction Feasible, But Influencing Decision Makers Is Key

EI staff discuss how broad U.S. power sector decarbonization is needed for a safe climate future, but requires convincing 200 public utility commissioners across the country.

What the Green New Deal Means For Investors

EI’s coal cost crossover research is cited in an article discussing what the Green New Deal means for energy sector investors in the future.

Solving For Climate Change: Everything You Know About Energy In The US might be wrong

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says cheap clean energy allows U.S. power markets to fight climate change in a story on changing energy economics.

Should We Carry On As Usual And Risk Stranded Assets With Fossil Fuel Investments?

EI’s coal cost crossover report is cited in an article outlining how fossil fuel investments risk becoming stranded assets.

‘Money For Nothing’: Consumer Groups, Utilities At Odds Over Who Pays For Closing Plants

EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses consumer costs in an article examining how a Wisconsin coal plant closing early will affect state utility finances.

How California Became Far More Energy-Efficient Than The Rest Of The Country

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing how policy enacted in the 1970’s made California the most energy-efficient U.S. state.

‘Stranded Costs’ Mount As Coal Vanishes From The Grid

EI’s “coal cost crossover” report is cited in an article discussing the economic risks to utilities of coal plants closed in favor of cheaper clean energy.