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RMI Report Analyzes the Value of Distributed Solar PV

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The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) recently published a report, “A Review of Solar PV Benefit and Cost Studies,” which analyzes 15 studies on how to accurately value distributed solar PV (DPV). These studies, all produced within the last eight years,…

Hal Presents “Fear and Hope” at the Aspen Ideas Festival

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In early July, Hal spoke on climate change and energy policy at the annual Aspen Ideas Festival. His presentation, titled “Fear and Hope: Climate Change and Policy Solutions,” discussed the dangerous trajectory of our CO2 emissions, and how emerging, innovative…

Friedman Opines on Obama’s Climate Change Speech

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Last week, Thomas Friedman wrote an Op-Ed article in response to President Obama’s climate change speech at Georgetown University in late June. In his speech, Obama announced several executive actions he will take to reduce carbon emissions, increase clean energy…

NASA Investigates the Threat of Climate Change in the Arctic

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Around the world, ecosystems are affected differently by changing climate and weather patterns. The Arctic, in particular, is feeling climate change’s impact much more strongly than most other regions. Data demonstrate that the Arctic has been warming two to three…

“Frack or Fiction” recommends upgrades to California’s draft regulation of hydraulic fracturing

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On June 6th, Energy Innovation released the report “Frack or Fiction”, which offers recommendations to the California Department of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR). Last December, DOGGR released a Pre-Rulemaking Discussion Draft Regulation to start the process of oversight…

Wind is Now Cheaper than Coal in Montana

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Quietly, something huge is happening in Montana. Electricity from wind plants is now cheaper than coal-fired electricity. And this is according to data on file with the Montana Public Service Commission (MT PSC)—the official body that regulates Montana’s electric utilities.…

Christopher Martin on Efforts to Roll Back State RPS Laws

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A recent Bloomberg article by Christopher Martin points out that a majority of states that currently have Renewable Portfolio Standards (16 of 29 states) are considering legislation to weaken or repeal these standards.  The efforts are being spearheaded by the…

Hal’s Op-Ed Reviews Best Policies to Promote Sustainable Urbanization in China

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This morning, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published an op-ed by Hal that discusses the best urban design principles to deal with China’s new and expanding cities. In the article, titled “Paying for the great urbanization of China,” Hal emphasizes…

Hal Hosts Energy Policy Mini Course at University of Chicago

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In April, Hal taught a mini course on energy policy at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy. The course comprised four interactive lectures that covered today’s energy situation and offered energy policy solutions for building a sustainable…

Germany Revolutionizes Renewable Energy

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In a recent article, Rocky Mountain Institute’s Co-founder, Chairman, and Chief Scientist, Amory Lovins, describes Germany’s transition to a high share of renewable energy and the policies the country has put in place to achieve its ambitious energy goals. Despite…