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Comparing the costs of renewable and conventional energy sources

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How do renewable sources, such as solar and wind, stack up against fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas? To illustrate how various energy technologies compare, we’ve created a set of interactive dashboards that summarize how much it costs to generate power.

Repost: Bloomberg Philanthropies and Partners Launch New Clean Energy Initiative

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The initiative will provide $48 million in grant funding to a broad range of stakeholders that will accelerate the transition of the U.S. power fleet, aiming to limit carbon pollution from power plants as well as spur investment in clean energy technologies.

Trending Topics in Electricity Today: Getting Ready for Distributed Energy Resources

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Ask a distribution grid engineer in Germany or Hawaii how work is going these days, and you’re in for an earful. And policymakers would be smart to listen—while discussions of voltage regulation or “transient stability” can sound overly technical, the truth is that voltage stability in the distribution network is essential to taking advantage of distributed energy resources.

Building Codes and Pollution Control

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In an article for China Daily, Hal Harvey explains the importance of building codes for winning both the air quality and pollution battles in China. Building codes can help combat climate change. International experience suggests that carefully designed standards and pollution control strategies, if properly enforced, can make an enormous difference to air pollution and help with climate change.

Trending Topics – Will EPA’s Clean Power Plan Really Break the Grid?

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Well-established power groups are drawing different conclusions regarding the feasibility of maintaining grid reliability as states act in order to abide by the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. What’s causing these reliability authorities to reach such different conclusions, and is more analysis needed?

Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Grid Technologies

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This week’s National Summit on Smart Grid and Climate Change was a reminder that the future of the power system is already here in many ways; the technologies needed to establish a smart grid and accelerate the integration of renewable sources are ready to play.

Hal Harvey: Declining Oil Prices Provide Opportunity for Efficient Cars

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In Politico Magazine’s recent article, “Oil Prices Are Dropping. So What?,” Energy Innovation CEO Hal Harvey and 14 other energy thought-leaders provided their opinions on how the recent drop in oil prices will affect America’s economy, security, and politics.

Trending Topics in Electricity Today – New Opportunities for Utilities

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In this month’s “Trending Topics” piece, the experts of America’s Power Plan discuss new opportunities for electric utilities to drive development of distributed energy resources and increase the availability of customer investment opportunities in distributed generation and efficiency.

Energy Innovation Trains Delegation from Wuhan, China

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On October 30th, Energy Innovation, in partnership with The Energy Foundation and Calthorpe Associates, had the opportunity to host approximately two dozen government officials from Wuhan (one of the largest cities in central China) for a training program on innovative energy policies and urban planning best practices that help to address the city’s environmental issues.

Research backs The 8 Principles of low-carbon urbanization

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More than one million people move to cities every week, so the shape of urban areas and their transportation networks carry huge consequences for global energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Will these growing cities be sprawling or compact? Will residents rely on cars or alternatives to private vehicles?