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Comments to California’s Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee on Revisions to the State’s Cap-and-Trade Regulations

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EI’s Chris Busch submitted formal comments to California’s Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee on revisions to the state’s cap-and-trade regulations.

What Do We Know About Wildfire Attribution And Climate Change?

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This research review explores the state of research on increasing wildfires across the Western U.S. and attribution to climate change.

Trending Topics – Proactive Support For Coal And Nuclear Plant Communities 

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APP Director Sonia Aggwarwal outlines how billions in coal and nuclear bailout funds would be better spent by proactively supporting communities affected by uneconomic plant closures.

Hal Harvey’s Insights And Updates: The Toll Of Trump’s War On Clean Cars: Billions In Economic Damages

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The Trump Administration could declare war on clean cars by freezing existing federal fuel economy standards and eliminating California’s ability to set its own tailpipe emissions standards. These moves would constitute grievous harm to the environment, public health, and U.S. economy – but how much?

Trending Topics – Saving Time, Money, And The Environment With Smart Power Line Planning

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APP contributor Alex Daue outlines how a smart planning process means regional power line projects to support clean energy generation can be built without sacrificing environmental protection.

Clean Energy And A Stable Climate: Progress And Challenges From 1998-2018

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This research review explores progress made on expanding clean energy achieving a stable climate, as well as challenges remaining, from 1998 to 2018.

Alternative Pathways and Actions to Achieve a 1.5°C Future

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This research review proposes several alternative pathways and potential actions to avoid dangerous global warming and achieve a 1.5C future.

Trending Topics – ERCOT’s Summer Peak Demand Forecast: New Investment, Generator Profits, No Blackouts

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EI’s Eric Gimon explores low planning reserve margins forecast for ERCOT’s summer peak demand, highlights how people should be interpreting them, what the PRM really means, how to tell if ERCOT is at an acceptable level of capacity risk, and why Texas regulators should stay the course.

DOE Coal, Nuclear Bailout Proposal “Threatens To Undermine Very Foundation of Competitive Electricity Markets”

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A draft memo from the U.S. Energy Department proposes using Cold War-era emergency powers to subsidize uneconomic coal and nuclear generation. This statement analyzes the proposal’s potential impact to U.S. power markets.

Hal Harvey’s Insights And Updates: A Sober Challenge – And A Clear-Eyed Solution – On Climate Change Policy

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There is no way to seriously study climate change without having a very sobering moment: It is extremely difficult, but not impossible, to land this planet at a reasonable climate future – and solutions exist to meet the challenge.