Press Archive

Navigating Utility Business Model Reform: A Practical Guide

EI’s Mike O’Boyle details practical approaches to utility business model reform in an era of cheaper clean energy resources.

U.S. Offshore Wind Will Be Bigger Than You Think

EI’s Mike O’Boyle cites price declines and ambitious state targets to detail why the U.S. offshore wind market will be bigger than expected.

What Killed Washington’s Carbon Tax?

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article examining why Washington State’s 2018 carbon tax ballot initiative was defeated at the polls.

How Some Countries Are Solving Climate Change

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal discusses decarbonization policies working around the world on a podcast discussing climate change action.

Unpacking The GND’s Renewables Goal

An editorial from EI’s Robbie Orvis detailing policies enabling 100% renewables through the Green New Deal is mentioned in a daily news summary.

Optimistic Readings On Climate Change Strategies

The Bankruptcy Felt Around The Clean Energy World

APP expert Ron Lehr is quoted in an article discussing the clean energy implications of California utility PG&E’s bankruptcy filing due to wildfire damages.

How The Green New Deal’s 100% Renewable Energy Goal Could Be Achieved

EI’s Robbie Orvis outlines how the Green New Deal’s 100% renewable energy goal could be achieved with a handful of key policies.

SEPA Reports Envision Five Future Business Models For Investor-Owned Utilities

EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article discussing reports outlining five future business models for investor-owned utilities.

PG&E Bankruptcy Unlikely To Greatly Alter WCI Emissions, Experts Say

EI’s Chris Busch is quoted in an article analyzing potential risks to the linked California-Quebec carbon market from PG&E’s bankruptcy.

Practical Implications Of PG&E’s Bankruptcy For Solar & Storage

EI research is cited in an article examining potential implications of a PG&E bankruptcy for solar plus storage developers.

PUC Order Keeps Minnesota Ahead Of The Curve On Performance-Based Rates

An EI analysis of states leading the U.S. in performance-based regulation is cited in an article discussing Minnesota’s new regulatory proposal.

The 2 Degree Solution

EI’s book Designing Climate Solutions’ outline for how policies can keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius is reviewed in an article.

Steel Or Concrete? Trump’s Wall Could Bust Carbon Budgets

EI’s Jeff Rissman says the Trump Administration’s border wall would have a major emissions impact in an article analyzing the proposal’s carbon footprint.

“Innovation”: The Latest GOP Smokescreen On Climate Change Policy

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing how policy design is a more effective way than vague proposals to fight climate change.

Coal Got Clobbered In 2018. Here’s The Damage

EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses the financial risk utilities face from owning coal in an article about the industry’s 2018 downturn.

Four U.S. Electric Vehicle Trends To Watch In 2019

EI’s Amanda Myers says four major trends will determine if the U.S. electric vehicle market accelerates or hits a roadblock in 2019.

For Our Children And Grandchildren, Congress Must Support A Green Infrastructure Plan

Former EPA official Margo Oge says Congress must support a green infrastructure plan in order to prepare for a warming world.

Black Hills Energy Proposes Coal Plant Purchase Amid Ongoing Closures

Analysis by EI’s Megan Mahajan is quoted in an article discussing a utility’s proposed coal plant purchase despite unfavorable economics.

Steel For Fuel: How Utilities Can Replace Fossil Fuel Expenses With Renewables Earning Potential

EI’s Mike O’Boyle outlines the “steel for fuel” strategy of swapping out coal for renewables while hitting the sweet spot on risk, return, and scale for utility customers and investors.