Press Archive

The tiny Swiss company that thinks it can help stop climate change

EI’s Hal Harvey discusses the economics and feasibility of technology that can remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere to slow climate change.

An Energy Wish List For Congress

EI’s Hal Harvey lays out an energy wish list for Congress to consider including R+D funding, renewable energy tax incentives, offshore wind, grid expansion, and coal transition efforts.

How Utilities Can Swap Coal Debt For Clean Energy Equity

APP’s Ron Lehr outlines financial tools which swap coal debt for clean energy equity to help utilities retire uneconomic coal generation early.

Renewables + Storage = Cheaper than Coal

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal outlines how fast-falling renewable energy and storage costs make them cheaper than coal and a potential backbone of energy systems.

Oregon Clean Energy Jobs Bill: An Economic Engine And A Decarbonization Catalyst

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says the Oregon Clean Energy Jobs Bill could cut state emissions 80% and generate hundreds of millions in clean energy investment.

Colo. Lawmaker Proposes Low-Cost Bonds To Make Retiring Coal Plants Easier

EI’s Eric Gimon is quoted in an article discussing Colorado legislation that would issue low-cost bonds to help utilities retire uneconomic coal.

Closing Colorado Coal Would Save $2.5 Billion. A New Proposal Could Unlock The Coal-To-Clean Shift.

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says retiring Colorado coal plants could save $2.5 billion and a proposal in the state legislature could generate private investment to help utilities close plants while funding economic transition.

The Green New Deal Rises Again

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article evaluating the Green New Deal’s potential to reduce emissions and increase economic growth.

Climate Triage: Swift Action Is Required To Save Humanity from Dangerous Global Warming

EI’s Robbie Orvis says we’re in a state of “climate triage” where policymakers must assume the role of an ER doctor to prevent dangerous global warming.

Oregon Poised To Ride “Green” Wave For Climate Action

EI’s Hal Harvey says Oregon can ride a national “green wave” of voter sentiment to a zero-carbon economy through statewide carbon pricing and four policies.

The Carbon Dioxide We Dump into the Sky Is Just Another Kind of Garbage

Michael Webber argues for treating CO2 abatement like other waste cleanup, citing EI’s finding that the US can halve emissions with demonstrated policy.

The Capital Stock Turnover Problem For 100% Clean Energy Targets

EI’s Amanda Myers says the capital stock turnover problem of fleet composition lagging behind all-electric sales mandates could threaten 100% clean energy targets.

Trump Administration Guts Transit Funding. That’s Bad For Cities And The Planet

EI’s net zero emissions by 2050 policy pathway is cited in an article criticizing Trump administration cuts to public transit funding programs.

Candidates Are Finally Talking About Climate Change, But They’re Asking All The Wrong Questions

EI’s Robbie Orvis says restorative policies can’t get to net zero emissions without carbon mitigation strategies in an article discussing 2020 candidate climate change plans.

Cutting Carbon In Homes: ‘It Is A Head Change For People’

EI research into reducing building emissions is cited in an article evaluating 2020 presidential candidate plans for cutting carbon in homes.

Cap And Trade Is Supposed to Solve Climate Change, But Oil And Gas Company Emissions Are Up

EI research into California emissions reductions is cited in an article discussing how oil and gas emissions rose under the state’s cap and trade program.

Will Fed’s Lawsuit Targeting California’s Key Climate Change Policy Cost Polluters And Taxpayers?

EI’s Chris Busch details why California’s cap-and-trade program costs won’t rise in an article on the Trump administration’s legal challenge to the program.

Trudeau Takes Office As Trump Takes California-Quebec Climate Deal To Court

EI’s Chris Busch says Canada carbon pricing has a bright future even with Trump’s lawsuit challenge to the California-Quebec climate deal.

Utilities Are Promising Net Zero Carbon Emissions, But Don’t Expect Big Changes Soon

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says utility net zero pledges won’t result in actual emissions reductions if they continue to rely on coal and natural gas.

US Wind, Solar Finance Alternatives Rise As Sector Rushes Against Looming Tax Credit Expiration

EI’s Robbie Orvis outlines how much new wind and solar would be added to the U.S. as a result of extending federal solar and wind tax credits.