Press Archive

Utilities Have Big Plans To Cut Emissions, But They’re Struggling To Shed Fossil Fuels

EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses investment risks from natural gas investment in an article exploring net zero emission targets from different U.S. utilities.

Climate Solutions: Technologies To Slow Climate Change

EI’s Jeff Rissman discusses renewable hydrogen’s upside as a decarbonization technology option in an article exploring potential climate solutions.

A decade in review: the most underrated clean energy stories

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says the decade’s most underrated clean energy story was plummeting wind and solar costs enabling the coal cost crossover.

The new infrastructure required to address climate change

Justin Gillis and EI’s Sonia Aggarwal estimate the infrastructure needed to clean up the US electricity grid and address climate change by 2030.

What Will It Take to Clean Up the Electric Grid?

Justin Gillis and EI’s Sonia Aggarwal break down what it will take to clean up the US electric grid and how it compares to past infrastructure buildout.

Life Under the Shadow of a Coal-Fired Power Plant

A deep dive into a Pakistan coal plant’s effects on its surroundings references EI’s coal cost crossover work and the global shift to cleaner resources.

Fukushima Reborn As Japan’s Wind And Solar Hub

A major wind and solar project will transform Fukushima into a renewables hub. EI’s Megan Mahajan explores how this fits into Japan’s energy future.

How Effective Utility Monopsony Regulation Drove Colorado’s Shockingly Cheap Wind And Solar Bids

EI’s Mike O’Boyle shares Colorado’s lessons learned in preventing utility monopsony power and how to replicate its competitive wind and solar bid results.

Utilities Running Uneconomic Coal Plants Cost Consumers $3.5 Billion From 2015-2017

EI’s Mike O’Boyle interviews authors of a Sierra Club report on how utilities running uneconomic coal plants have overcharged customers by $3.5 billion.

Battery prices are crashing. That’s good news.

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal explains how falling battery prices will make the technology cost effective for new applications on NPR’s Marketplace podcast.

How We Need To Evolve America’s Power Grid To Enable A Clean Energy Future

In Part Two of EI’s Overcoming Barriers to 100% Clean Energy series, Eric Gimon lays out policies to overcome four key clean energy hurdles.

Overcoming Barriers to 100% Clean Energy, Part Two: How We Need to Evolve America’s Power Grid to Enable a Clean Energy Future.

EI’s Eric Gimon outlines how smart policy can overcome barriers on the grid to 100% clean energy targets to achieve a paradigm shift in the US power system.

Murray Energy bankruptcy renews fears about Ohio’s mine reclamation fund

EI’s Coal Cost Crossover findings are cited in coverage of Murray Energy’s bankruptcy and concerns that Ohio’s mine reclamation is inadequately funded.

Top 5: The Decarbonization Edition

EI’s path to net zero transportation is listed as one of the top 5 recent developments in vehicle decarbonization trends.

This Is How The U.S. Gets To Zero Carbon Emissions By 2050

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal outlines decarbonization policy in an article highlighting EI’s policy pathway to reach zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Bill Gates-Backed Startup Claims Solar ‘Breakthrough.’ Is It?

EI’s Jeffrey Rissman discusses industrial decarbonization in an article discussing a concentrating solar “breakthrough” technology with industrial uses.

Clean energy, yes. But divisions put Dems on different paths

EI’s Robbie Orvis and Designing Climate Solutions help explain whether presidential climate plans can decarbonize U.S. electricity.

How To Reach U.S. Net Zero Emissions By 2050: Decarbonizing Electricity

Energy Innovation has identified the policy pathway to economy-wide U.S. net zero emissions by 2050: This article explores electricity decarbonization.

How To Reach U.S. Net Zero Emissions By 2050: Decarbonizing Transportation

Energy Innovation has identified the policy pathway to economy-wide U.S. net zero emissions by 2050: This article explores transportation decarbonization.

No more fire in the kitchen: Cities are banning natural gas in homes to save the planet

EI’s Amanda Myers explains that the American Gas Association’s conclusion that buildings need to continue to rely on natural gas is based on unrealistic assumptions.