Press Archive

South Carolina Lawmakers To Study Whether To Overhaul State’s Power Grid And Electric Utilities

EI’s Southeast RTO modeling is cited in an article discussing South Carolina legislators considering overhauling the state’s utility system.

California’s EV Plan Would Lower State’s Total Transportation Emissions By 16% In Next Decade, Analysis Finds

EI modeling of the new zero-emission vehicle standard finds cumulative emissions dropping by 70 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, representing a 16 percent decrease.

Deregulating Energy Monopolies In the Southeast

EI’s Mike O’Boyle is interviewed on a podcast discussing his recent research on the benefits of establishing a Southeast RTO.

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Climate Change Fight Could Be Costly

EI’s Chris Busch discusses California cap and trade policy in an article exploring potential costs of state efforts to fight climate change.

How Does The U.S. Retire 236 GW Of Coal And 1,000 Gas Peaker Plants?

EI research on financial risk from natural gas peaker investments is cited in an article discussing how to shut down fossil fuel plants in the U.S.

The US South Could Save Money By Cleaning Up Its Power Grid

EI research shows dramatic effects of opening up the South’s electricity system to greater market competition including vastly more renewable energy and batteries deployed by 2040.

NY Focused On Power Grid Reliability In Wake Of California Blackouts

EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses the causes of recent California blackouts in an article exploring New York State’s efforts to prevent similar problems.

Competition And Clean Energy: Electricity Market Reform In The Southeast

EI’s modeling of a Southeast regional electricity market is discussed on a podcast focused on potential benefits for South Carolina.

Study: Southeast RTO Would Cut Rates, Emissions

EI study shows utilities in seven Southeastern states could cut their electric rates by more than a quarter and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by almost half by joining an organized wholesale market.

Making the Case for an Integrated Energy Market in the Southeastern US

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says an integrated market for the Southeast would yield a more efficient system as each utility would be able to share capacity resources with others across the region.

Energy Consulting Groups Value Southeast RTO Potential At $384B Savings By 2040

EI research with Vibrant Clean Energy finds competitive pricing across the Southeast would save customers $17.4 billion a year and lead to the retirement of most coal plants and gas peakers in the region by 2040.

Daily on Energy: Southeast Utilities’ Climate Goals Could Be Costly Without Organized Power Market

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says Southeast utilities will have trouble achieving their net zero goals without a regional organized power market.

Biden Gambles On Placing Climate Change At Heart Of US Energy Policy

EI study with UC Berkeley concluded with strong policy changes U.S. power generation could be 90 percent carbon-free by 2035 without raising bills or needing new fossil plants.

FERC Releases Low-CO2 Blueprint. Will Biden Follow It?

EI’s Megan Mahajan says without stronger transmission policy, zero carbon electricity sources would likely supply only half of the nation’s electric power by 2035.

Communicating Climate Policy Through Art: Environmental Graphiti And 90 Percent Clean Electricity

EI’s Sarah Spengeman interviews artist Alisa Singer to discuss digital paintings she created based on the 90% clean by 2035 report as part of her Environmental Graphiti project, which makes climate data more accessible to the public.

Europe Is Going All In On Hydrogen Power. Why Isn’t The U.S.?

EI’s modeling is cited in an article discussing hydrogen’s potential to decarbonize the global industrial sector.

Congressional Climate Plan Is A Bet Your Country Moment

EI’s Hal Harvey details how the recently released Congressional climate plan could recharge the U.S. economy and fight climate change.

Solar For Coal Swaps Could Facilitate Utilities’ Renewable Transition, Analysis Shows

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says the coal-replacement approach can be applied to any fuel source, but is likely of particular interest for customers that want to clean up their electricity mix and save money.

Can The Clean Energy Industry Deliver On The Biden-Sanders Climate Plan?

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says reaching 90 percent clean electricity requires doubling the highest historical yearly wind and solar deployment through the 2020s and tripling it in the 2030s.

Why 100% Clean Energy Advocates Must Overcome The ‘Resource Adequacy’ Challenge

EI’s Eric Gimon explains why the clean energy industry must address concerns about resource adequacy, while innovating new planning models that allow for a diverse set of clean energy technologies to compete on equal footing.