Press Archive

Utility Investors Risk Billions In Rush To Natural Gas: Is It A Bridge To Climate Breakdown?

The U. S. power sector’s rush to build out natural gas capacity poses billions in financial risk for utility investors, but smart policy and shareholder advocacy can cut emissions and economic risks.

U.S. Natural Gas Infrastructure Investment Increasingly Risky: Report

EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article discussing the increasingly risky nature of natural gas investments for utilities.

‘He Wants To Own It.’ Will Bezos Buy The Climate Movement?

EI’s Hal Harvey discusses the policy implications of Jeff Bezos’ $10 billion climate change philanthropy fund announcement.

Electric Vehicles Can Help California Hit 2030 Emissions Reduction Target

This Q&A with EI’s Chris Busch focuses on how electric vehicles, among other policy solutions, can help California meet its 2030 emissions reduction target.

States Lead The Way On Utility Regulation That Can Cut Emissions And Costs

EI’s Amanda Myers shares how states are developing novel approaches to utility regulation, reducing demands on the power system.

A Seven-Mile Gas Pipeline Outside Albany Has Activists up in Arms

A new gas pipeline has activists up in arms. EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains why it pays for utilities to claim demand is growing and invest in pipelines.

Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal weighs in on what it will take to achieve Bernie Sanders’s electricity plan – includign tripling our wind and solar deployment rate.

How Even Stronger California Climate Policies Could Spark A $7 Billion Economic Opportunity

EI’s Chris Busch shares modeling that shows California will miss its 2030 emissions target by 25 MMT, and recommends six climate policies to close the gap.

Reporter’s Toolbox: New Resources Help Improve Climate Coverage

EI is featured as a useful resource for journalists in this piece spotlighting resources to improve climate change coverage.

Renewable Energy Prices Hit Record Lows: How Can Utilities Benefit From Unstoppable Solar And Wind?

New EIA and Lazard data show wind and solar are unstoappable. EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains how utilities can take advantage of these cheap renewables.

Court Throws Hurdle in Front of Washington State’s Drive to Reduce Carbon Emissions

EI’s finding that California needs to double its pace of emissions reductions is quoted in comparison with Washington state’s progress on climate goals.

Five 2020 Energy Predictions: Solar Surge, Coal Crash, Gas Exorcism, Clean Energy Incentives, Public Mobilization

EI’s Silvio Marcacci shares 2020 energy and climate policy predictions for the United States from five leading experts.

Renewables could beat coal even in West Virginia, report says

EI’s coal cost crossover report is cited in an article outlining how renewable energy is cheaper than coal in West Virginia.

What Can Energy Storage Get From President Biden?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says now is the time for the Department of Energy to invest in important future storage applications that can help solve renewable integration issues at very high penetrations of variable wind and solar energy.

The ‘War On Coal’ Is Over. The Next Climate Battle Has Just Begun

EI’s Hal Harvey explains why carbon capture and storage will only play a niche role in decarbonizing the electricity sector due to cost and the limited emissions reductions it can achieve.

When Will Electricity Companies Finally Quit Natural Gas?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle outlines why utilities cannot build planned natural gas plants if they want to meet net zero goals and avoid financial risk.

Inside Clean Energy: Four Things Biden Can Do for Clean Energy Without Congress

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains why Joe Biden should pursue vehicle emissions standards to secure climate action with a Republican Senate.

How Utilities Can Avoid Being Financially Swamped by the Coal Closure Wave

EI’s Mike O’Boyle and Silvio Marcacci explain how securitized bonds can help clean energy resources overcome monopoly utility incentives to continue earning on uneconomic coal plants by paying down unrecovered coal plant balances at substantial consumer savings.

A Steel Giant Joins A Growing List Of Companies Aiming For Net-Zero By 2050

EI’s Jeff Rissman discusses ArcelorMittal’s new net zero goal and what it means for industry decarbonization, and is skeptical of the idea there will be a large market for selling carbon captured from making steel.

Massachusetts, Connecticut Seek Federal Partner on Decarbonization

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing decarbonization efforts in Massachusetts and Connecticut.