Press Archive

Charging Ahead With Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

EI’s Amanda Myers notes the transportation sector is responsible for more than 15 percent of annual global emissions, contributing more than the entire electricity generation sector in the U.S. and U.K., and has the fastest growing emissions worldwide.

Green Hydrogen in Natural Gas Pipelines: Decarbonization Solution or Pipe Dream?

EI’s Jeff Rissman says carbon reductions from blending 15 to 20 percent hydrogen in gas pipelines may be minimal, but increasing the market for green hydrogen might help drive down costs by incentivizing R&D.

The Energy Giants Are Renewable Companies

EI’s Sara Baldwin says over the past five years there has been a tidal shift from the global level to the local level toward renewables and electrification and this movement isn’t going away.

How Does The US Retire 236 GW Of Coal And 1,000 Gas Peaker Plants?

EI report shows why utilities’ preference for gas-fueled plants is related to biases towards over-procurement of capacity and self-built generation, and an organizational culture and rate design that favor gas-fueled generation.

California Begins To Shape Vehicle-Grid Integration Strategy, Considers Using EVs During Power Shut-offs

EI analysis indicates reaching California’s new zero-emission goal could lead to a 9 percent increase in electricity demand by 2030 — and create the critical mass of electric vehicles required to better integrate EVs as grid resources.

Trump gutted environmental protections. How quickly can Biden restore them?

EI analysis found taking away California’s ability to set stricter pollution standards is expected to increase greenhouse gas emissions by millions of tons per year, and lead to drivers buying more than 2 billion additional barrels of petroleum a year.

State Climate Action Unlikely After Democrats Fail to Flip Statehouses

EI’s Chris Busch notes that legislation is preferable to executive orders when setting state climate policy, but that California’s legislature currently has competing priorities.

San Francisco Becomes The Latest City To Ban Natural Gas In New Buildings, Citing Climate Effects

EI’s Amanda Myers says for California to meet its binding climate target of carbon neutrality by 2045, the state needs to stop constructing new buildings that use gas for heating and cooking.

The 40 Things Biden Should Do First On Climate Change

EI’s Hal Harvey says a new Biden Administration should make setting strong clean energy standards for the building and transportation sectors a top priority, with 60 percent of new car sales zero-emission by 2030 and all new buildings fossil fuel free by 2025.

Shipbuilding On The Ballot? Offshore Wind Sees An Opening

EI’s Amanda Myers says meeting Biden’s 100 percent by 2035 clean electricity target would require major investments in offshore wind.

BIG STORY: Utilities replace coal with gas, but new solar may be cheaper

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says two-thirds of energy production plants in the Southeast would be cheaper to retire now and replace with renewables when looking at energy costs. But it will take regulator pressure and policy changes to enact changes.

Election 2020: For DOE, Staffing, Renewables Spending, Transparency At Stake Nov. 3, Analysts Say

EI’s Sara Baldwin discusses how a new administration will impact the Department of Energy, noting energy efficiency and clean energy would be reprioritized to align with climate solutions.

Newsom Uses Executive Orders To Press Climate Change Agenda As California Burns

EI’s Bruce Nilles says setting strong emission reduction targets has worked well for California, noting electric cars are now one of the top exports from the state.

Wind, Solar Smash Records. But Analysts Worry It Won’t Last

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says the potential for a renewable energy drop-off points to the need for a national clean electricity standard or some other policy to drive green investment.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker Vows To Fight Climate Change With Clean Energy. Only Three Other States Mined More Climate-Changing Coal Than Illinois Last Year

EI’s Bruce Nilles says states looking to align energy policies with climate and health goals, must address continued coal mining.

New Finance Model Swaps Coal for Renewables

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains an innovative financing mechanism to retire coal power stations and replace them with new renewables and discusses the applicability of the model outside the United States.

Why Electric Vehicles Will Likely Emerge As California’s Top Manufacturing Export In 2020

EI’s Chris Busch explains why electric vehicles are poised to be California’s top export in 2020, providing a case study in how smart clean energy policy can accelerate economic growth and job creation.

California Won’t Achieve Its New Zero-Emission Vehicle Goal Until Multi-Unit Dwellers Can Access Electric Vehicle Charging

EI’s Amanda Myers explains practical solutions for expanding access to electric vehicle charging for residents of multi-unit dwellings in California to achieve the state’s clean transportation, public health, and equity goals.

Electrifying California Cars Could Crush the Grid, Or Save It

EI modeling shows California’s new zero-emission vehicle standard could increase electricity demand 9.5% by 2035, but vehicle-to-grid integration could enhance grid reliability.

We’re At A Climate Turning Point. COVID-19 Recovery Plans Could Tip The Scales

EI’s Robbie Orvis says funding for clean energy and clean technology is an opportunity to decarbonize the economy while creating high-wage jobs.