Press Archive

One of the Country’s 10 Largest Coal Plants Just Got a Retirement Date. What About the Rest?

EI’s Eric Gimon discusses the increasingly unfavorable economics of continuing to operate U.S. coal plants compared to replacement with new local renewable energy.

Clean Energy Strategy Won’t Meet Clean Energy Goals, Panel Told

EI’s Robbie Orvis told the Nevada Assembly Growth and Infrastructure Committee that transitioning to a low carbon economy in Nevada is actually a large job creator because of the required buildout and deployment of new technologies.

Report Finds That A Clean Energy Standard Is The ‘Linchpin’ Of US Achieving Climate Goals

EI’s Robbie Orvis says decarbonizing the U.S. electric grid will be a linchpin to decarbonizing the whole economy because it clears up a significant portion of U.S. emissions while allowing for electrification in other sectors.

Hitting Net Zero By 2050 Could Add $1 Trillion To The U.S. Economy

EI’s Robbie Orvis says getting to net-zero emissions by 2050 is feasible and would generate millions of new jobs and significant GDP growth for the U.S. as demonstrated by our modeling and several other recent decarbonization studies.

US Off Track To Limit Warming To 1.5 Degrees

EI analysis shows to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 the U.S. needs to phase out coal power by 2030, reach 100 percent clean electricity by 2035, ensure all car and bus sales are electric by 2035, and move to all-electric building component sales in the 2030s.

Decarbonizing Global Industry

EI’s Jeff Rissman says to decarbonize, industry should design longer-lasting, lower-carbon materials and make their processes more efficient, but policy is required to support research and development and help incentivize a transition to zero-carbon energy.

America’s Costs Of Delay On Climate Change: $3.5 Trillion From Another Decade of Inaction

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains why delaying ambitious policies to cut emissions by just ten years would cost the U.S. economy $3.5 trillion, and why enacting economy-wide clean energy policies now is the smarter choice.

Boldness Required: Minnesota Should Adopt More Ambitious Climate Policies

EI’s Aimee Witteman says the Minnesota Energy Policy Simulator demonstrates how bolder climate policies would create tens of thousands of jobs for the state and add billions to the economy every year, while advancing health and equity.

Experts Tell Biden: Your Climate Goals Require a Carbon Price

EI analysis concludes that delaying decarbonization from today until 2030 would raise the overall cost of energy capital, operations, and fuel by 72 percent.

Analysis: Waiting To Cut Emissions Will Ultimately Make It More Expensive

EI modeling of two policy scenarios for reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 finds the cumulative costs of the 2030 scenario are 72 percent higher than a scenario that immediately implements decarbonization policies.

Waiting 10 Years To Start Eliminating Emissions Will Cost The US More Than $3.5 Trillion

EI’s Megan Mahajan says the policy goals being discussed today are the goals needed to get us on the path to net-zero emissions.

Clean Energy Expert To Help Climate Team Decarbonize Grid

EI’s Robbie Orvis says, as a part of the Biden administration, Sonia Aggarwal can help drive the focus on the policies and technologies that can allow us to achieve deep decarbonization of the U.S.

Inside Clean Energy: Here Are 3 States To Watch In 2021

EI’s Bruce Nilles says California has a generational opportunity to align its massive residential and commercial building sector with its world-leading air pollution and carbon reduction goals.

A ‘Nerve Center’ For Climate In The Biden White House

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal’s areas of expertise areas include the development of a clean energy standard, and she will be working with Gina McCarthy and David Hayes in the White House Office of Climate Policy.

Biden Adds 6 Policy Experts To His Climate Team

EI’s Co-founder and Vice President Sonia Aggarwal has been appointed as President-elect Joe Biden’s senior adviser for climate policy and innovation.

Biden-Harris Team Appoints More White House Staff, Among Them Indian-American Climate Expert

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal has been appointed senior advisor for Climate Policy and Innovation in the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy.

Fusion Capitalism Podcast Part Two

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains why natural gas infrastructure will increasingly become a stranded asset and how policy can support a financial transition away from coal and gas to a clean energy economy.

2021 Energy Predictions: U.S. Clean Energy Standard, Tripling Energy Storage, State Shift From Gas, Electricity Transition, Billions In Climate Investment

EI’s Silvio Marcacci shares insights from leading experts on clean energy technology and policy trends to watch this year, and why we should expect an even faster acceleration to the clean energy economy in 2021.

Fusion Capitalism Podcast Part One

EI’s Mike O’Boyle joins host Steve Melink to discuss the 2035 Report and share how policy can accelerate the clean energy transition while reducing costs for customers and creating millions of new jobs.

Competition Can Unlock The U.S. Clean Energy Economy

EI report finds extending wholesale markets in the Southeast could deliver cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable electricity across the region, reducing customer bills by 23 percent and slashing emissions by 37 percent, while creating at least 285,000 new jobs by 2040.