Press Archive

Biden’s $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Meets Power System Needs, But Leaves Room For Political Dealing

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says Biden’s infrastructure plan offers state policymakers the opportunity for a federally-supported workforce transition and federally-supported development of their state’s renewable resources instead of watching the decline of traditional generation.

Push for 80% clean grid materializes

EI research with UC Berkeley finds reaching an 80% carbon-free power sector by 2030 is achievable without increasing electricity costs or jeopardizing the reliability of the grid.

EXCLUSIVE-White House Pushing For 80% Clean U.S. Power Grid By 2030

EI analysis with UC Berkeley and GridLab shows getting to 80% clean electricity by 2030 could be achieved with existing technologies at no additional cost to ratepayers in every region because the cost of renewables and batteries have come down so much.

Biden Unveils Sweeping Climate Goal And Plans To Meet It Even If Congress Won’t

EI’s Robbie Orvis says we have to push on the sectors where the technologies are readily available to achieve 50 percent reductions by 2030 and curbing emissions in the power sector is the linchpin of economy-wide decarbonization.

Biden Pledges U.S. Will Cut Climate-Changing Pollution At Least In Half By 2030

EI’s Robbie Orvis says if we don’t eliminate coal by 2030, it’s very hard to achieve a 50% reduction, and a clean energy standard on its own will not squeeze out all the coal by 2030.

The Policy Pathways To Cut US Carbon Emissions In Half By 2030

EI’s Robbie Orvis says we know the policies to achieve President Biden’s new NDC pledge, including an ambitious clean energy standard, and there are huge economic gains to be had.

Biden’s Climate Pledge: Not Easy, Not Impossible

EI’s Robbie Orvis says we have the policies and the technologies to achieve the Biden administration’s new U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution of 50 to 52 percent emissions reductions by 2030.

Report: All New Cars And Trucks In U.S. Could Be Electric By 2035

EI’s Sara Baldwin says with political leadership, policy ambition, and a focus on an equitable transition, the U.S. can chart the course to all-electric vehicle sales by 2035 and a clean transportation future for all.

Washington OKs Bill Setting Path To 100% EVs By 2030, Prods Utilities To Prep For Grid Impacts

EI’s Amanda Myers says research shows it’s very possible to meet the associated rise in electricity demand from an all-electric vehicle sales standard by 2035, but utilities need to plan for that and many already are.

Coal plant closures slow, In Blow To Biden Climate Goals

EI’s Robbie Orvis says a policy mechanism will be needed to retire the last remaining coal plants by the end of the decade to achieve 50 percent emissions reductions.

All-Electric Car And Truck Sales By 2035 Would Save $2.7 Trillion, But Will Take Smart Policy To Drive Clean

EI’s Amanda Myers says without strong policy to reach 100 percent EV sales and 90 percent clean electricity targets, like strong national fuel economy and tailpipe emissions standards, Americans will forgo the significant benefits of vehicle electrification and miss the chance to steer towards a better future.

Will Every New Car And Truck In The U.S. Be Electric By 2035?

EI’s Sara Baldwin says the transition from fossil-fuel-powered cars and trucks to electric vehicles is already underway, but America needs increased policy ambition to truly accelerate market transformation.

Every New Car And Truck In The U.S. Can Be Electric By 2035

EI’s Sara Baldwin says the transition from fossil-fuel-powered cars and trucks to electric vehicles is already underway, but the U.S. needs increased policy ambition to truly accelerate market transformation, sustain and create good-paying jobs, and aid in the country’s economic recovery.

Electrifying All New Vehicles Sales by 2035 Can Be Done, Would Save U.S. Consumers $2.7 Trillion by 2050, Report Finds

EI’s policy report explains why strong federal fuel economy standards, state-level zero-emission vehicle standards, financial incentives, and labor standards to buy domestic manufacturing are necessary to achieve all-electric vehicle sales by 2035.

U.S. Could Save $2.7T Going All EV — Report

EI report with the University of California, Berkeley and GridLab shows if the U.S. sells only electric vehicles by 2035, it could save drivers and fleets about $2.7 trillion in vehicle, fuel, and maintenance costs through 2050.

How To Get The US To 100% Electric Vehicles By 2035

EI’s Sara Baldwin says the lead policy lever for achieving all-electric vehicle sales by 2035 is strong national fuel economy and tailpipe emission standards, ideally reaching zero emissions by 2035.

Advances Mean All New US Vehicles Can Be Electric By 2035, Study Finds

EI report shows the role of government policy to accelerate transportation electrification is crucial, first with incentives to buy electric vehicles until there is price parity and then to rapidly ramp up fast-charging infrastructure.

Moving To All-Electric Cars And Trucks Delivers Big Benefits, Report Says

EI’s Sara Baldwin says Biden’s infrastructure plan is a good start to accelerating vehicle electrification but should be supplemented by investments from state and local governments and the private sector.

Biden Under Pressure To Set Tough Emissions Target

EI research finds a 50 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 is feasible if the electricity sector were to rapidly shift away from coal and natural gas, and toward renewable energy, along with a rapid scaling up of electric vehicle use.

Groups Launch Push To Speed Reliable, Decarbonized Power Market Designs

EI’s Eric Gimon says power markets must evolve to support continued decarbonization and achieve a sustainable end-state clean power system.