Press Archive

Report Outlines Path To 80 Percent Clean Power

EI’s Dan Esposito says a Clean Electricity Payment Program is a rare win-win for members of Congress across the political spectrum because these benefits aren’t occurring in one particular state, they’re occurring in every state.

Green For Grid

EI meta-analysis finds powering the U.S. electric grid with 80 percent zero-emissions resources by 2030 is possible at a minimum cost and could save thousands of lives as well as spur millions of new clean energy jobs.

U.S. Global Climate Promises Hang On Reconciliation Battle

EI’s Robbie Orvis says the upcoming reconciliation bill is the best way to move the climate policy that will make the most difference to cut emissions 45 percent by 2030, including the Clean Electricity Payment Program.

Fight Over ‘Peaker’ Plants Poses Grid Climate Test

EI’s Eric Gimon says CenterPoint Energy’s proposed peaker gas plants in Indiana could become stranded assets in 10 to 15 years.

The World’s Largest Container-Shipping Company Wants To Go Green

EI’s Jeff Rissman says achieving carbon-neutral shipping with ships that run on methanol requires that the process to make the methanol is also zero carbon.

More Transmission Or Local Solar? To Quickly Cut Emissions, We Need Both.

EI’s Sarah Spengeman interviews ACORE CEO Greg Wetstone to learn about the complementary roles of new transmission alongside distributed clean energy resources to accelerate grid decarbonization while boosting grid resilience.

China Doesn’t Need Another Coal Power Plant

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains new research showing China does not need to build any of its planned new coal to provide reliability, but that the country can transition faster to clean energy without compromising reliability or affordability, even accounting for economic growth and widespread electrification.

Biden Can Have Cheap Gas Or Fight Climate Change — Not Both

EI research shows a modest gas tax of twenty-five cents per gallon would save 1.3 billion barrels of oil through 2050.

Three Reasons Why Democrats AND Republicans Should Love Biden’s Clean Electricity Standard

EI’s Dan Esposito highlights three reasons why a clean electricity standard should be a bipartisan policy including major benefits for red and purple states, protections for working families, and broad public and business support.

Biden Just Announced The Most Significant Regulation Of Carbon Emissions In US History

EI’s Sara Baldwin says now that Biden has announced cleaner car standards, it’s time for Congress to act to adopt more robust incentives to support the all-electric vehicle future.

One Policy That Could Challenge A Century Of Fossil-Fuel Dominance

EI research found the reductions in air pollution under a clean electricity standard would also translate to the equivalent of $1.7 trillion in benefits from reduced health care costs, economic productivity, and lives saved.

Americans Should Have Their Trucks And Save The Climate Too

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains how smart policy can accelerate the EV transition, make electric vehicles as convenient and affordable as their gas counterparts, and ensure EVs are powered with clean electricity.

Senate’s Proposed Clean Energy Standard Is A Major Win For Health

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains why a national clean electricity standard would significantly reduce toxic air pollution that harms health and save thousands of lives, while also revitalizing pollution-burdened communities.

Democrats Hope To Pass A Clean Energy Standard That Will Force Utilities To Go Green

EI research found that achieving an 80 percent clean electricity grid by 2030 is technologically feasible without having to raise utility costs, and that popularizing clean energy would save $1.7 trillion in health and environmental costs, and avoid 93,000 premature deaths.

Colorado’s Aggressive Clean-Energy Policy Will Grow The Economy

EI research with RMI shows if Colorado adopted even stronger climate policies, the state’s economy would add 36,000 jobs and gain an additional $7.5 billion every year by 2050.

Before Another Deadly Summer, Congress Must Act To Address The Rising Costs Of Climate Change

EI’s Sarah Spengeman says a national clean electricity standard would invest in the infrastructure we need to rapidly cut harmful fossil fuel emissions and protect our health, while also creating jobs and addressing longstanding injustices.

Cities Try To Phase Out Gas Stoves—But Cooks Are Pushing Back

EI’s Sara Baldwin says eventually buildings will need to be fully electrified, including stovetops, to meet ambitious emissions-reduction goals, presenting an existential threat to the gas industry.

Payments Or Fines: How Dems’ CES Would Affect Utilities

EI’s Robbie Orvis says decarbonizing the electricity sector is the key to decarbonizing the whole economy because so much of the economy needs to be electrified to cut emissions, and getting into place a technology-neutral standard that can significantly cut emissions in a short time frame is really important.

The Era Of Polluting The Atmosphere For Free Is Coming To A Close

EI’s Chris Busch says the political liabilities of a carbon tax are clear, and if there is too much of a price shock there is push back, but if changes are incremental enough people have time to adjust.

Report Projects Major Health, Air Quality Benefits From US Clean Power Standard

EI report analyzing seven recent studies on a potential CES found that several concluded wholesale power prices would decline by 2030 under such a policy while clean energy jobs and investment would surge.