Press Archive

Dusting For ‘Fingerprints’ To Determine Humanity’s Climate Impacts

EI’s Greg Alvarez says extreme weather forensics can help determine climate change’s role in disasters to help engage public interest and actions.

Sale of North Dakota’s Largest Coal Plant Is Almost Complete. Then Will Come the Hard Part.

EI’s Eric Gimon says carbon capture and sequestration isn’t a financially feasible technology to extend the life of uneconomic and polluting coal plants.

Top 5 U.S. Electrification Policy Wins Of 2021: Federal Investment, Electric Vehicles, Building Electrification

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains why 2021 was a big year for electrification progress in the U.S., a necessary step toward combating climate change.

Dems Scramble, Seethe After Manchin Kills Climate Bill

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Build Back Better Act’s climate provisions are so critical because they will speed up the clean energy transition, which won’t happen fast enough to avert climate impacts without policy intervention.

Big Payout, More CO2: Greens Split Over Dems’ CCS Plan

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains how a subtle change to carbon capture and storage tax credit language in the Build Back Better Act could have a big impact on emissions.

Bold Action Fueled COP26’s Zero Emission Vehicles Declaration. Even Bolder Action Is Needed To Deploy Clean Cars Fast Enough To Save The Climate

EI’s Anand Gopal explains how smart policies helped kickstart the EV transition, and why we need further policies to kick it into overdrive.

Building Electrification Momentum Grew In U.S. Cities In 2021

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the important emission reductions and energy savings that will result from electrifying all new buildings.

Biden’s Campaign Promises To Crack Down On Emissions Have Disappeared

EI’s Anand Gopal outlines the Biden administration’s regulatory options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Hedge Funds Seek Riches In California’s Carbon Market

EI’s Chris Busch explains why there may be an imbalance between high interest in investing in California’s carbon market and the actual fundamentals.

Colorado Closer To Meeting Emission-Reduction Goals With 2021 Legislation, But Still Not There

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that Colorado has passed policies that will make significant progress toward its climate goals, but more work is needed to meet the state’s targets.

Climate Action At Speed And Scale For Net-Zero By 2050: Q&A With Venture Capitalist John Doerr

EI’s Silvio Marcacci talks with venture capitalist and climate advocate John Doerr about his new book Speed & Scale, which examines what needs to be done to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Democrats pinning climate hopes on revised methane fee

EI analysis finds the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee could cut 36 million cars’ worth of greenhouse gas pollution.

It’s Biden’s Biggest Climate Policy. What Happens If Joe Manchin Kills It?

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains that the Build Back Better Act is the most ambitious climate policy in U.S. history, even if the CEPP is excluded from the final bill.

Joe Manchin Leads Opposition To Biden’s Climate Bill, Backed By Support From Oil, Gas, And Coal

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains what’s needed for the U.S. to hit its climate goals.

Can The U.S. Reach Biden’s Climate Goal Without The CEPP?

EI analysis looks at the critical carbon reduction components of the Build Back Better Act and examines how much greenhouse gas pollution each one will reduce.

Here’s How Much Emissions Will Rise Without A Key Climate Program That Joe Manchin Opposes

EI’s Megan Mahajan explains what needs to happen to speed the clean energy transition.

The Climate Toll Of Killing The CEPP

EI analysis finds the CEPP is the carbon reduction linchpin of the Build Back Better Act.

The US Will Struggle To Meet Its Without Penalties For Utilities That Fail To Cut Emissions, Report Finds

The CEPP, which would reward utilities for increasing their clean energy share and penalize them for failing to do so, is a key carbon reducer in the Build Back Better Act.

White House Looks To Scale Back Its Climate Initiative After Stiff Pushback From Manchin

EI analysis examines the emission reductions, economic impacts, and public health benefits of the climate provisions in the Build Back Better Act.

Opinion: Colorado Has A Strong Vision For Electric Vehicles. It Needs Stronger Policies To Achieve That Vision

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains what’s needed to achieve Colorado’s vision for a state that runs on emission-free transport.