Press Archive

How Does The Inflation Reduction Act Address Climate Change?

EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act could cut emissions 37-41 percent by 2030, up from 24 percent in a business-as-usual scenario.

Deep In The Democrats’ Climate Bill, Analysts See More Wins For Clean Energy Than Gifts For Fossil Fuel Business

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Inflation Reduction Act would be a huge overall climate win, despite some new oil and gas provisions in the bill.

The Best Evidence Yet That The Climate Bill Will Work

EI’s Anand Gopal explains passing the Inflation Reduction Act would play a key role in reestablishing U.S. climate credibility on the world stage.

The Inflation Reduction Act Will Reduce Emissions Too

EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act will cut 24 tons of greenhouse gas emissions for every one ton resulting from the bill’s fossil fuel provisions.

Biden’s Emissions Pledge ‘Doable’ With Climate Deal

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the emissions cuts from the Inflation Reduction Act will put the U.S. within shouting distance of its Paris Agreement targets.

How The New Climate Bill Would Reduce Emissions

EI research finds the climate benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act far outweigh any new fossil fuel impacts the bill may have.

The Inflation Reduction Act Is The Most Important Climate Legislation In U.S. History

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains the Inflation Reduction Act would put the U.S. back on track to reach its Paris Agreement targets while creating up to 1.5 million new jobs.

Climate Change Bill Would Cut U.S. Air Pollution Deaths By Up To 3,900 Per Year, Study Finds

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate policies would also cut air pollution and avoid 3,900 premature deaths per year by 2030.

U.S. West Coast Offshore Wind Could Take Flight– With The Right Federal And State Support

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains the West Coast has world-class offshore wind resources, and with the right policy mix, harnessing the energy source could be a major job-creator that revitalizes port communities.

Analysis: Deal’s CO2 Cuts Swamp Fossil Fuel Emissions

EI analysis finds the policies in the proposed Inflation Reduction Act would cut 24 tons of greenhouse gas emissions for every one ton resulting from oil and gas leasing provisions in the bill.

Democrats’ Side Deal With Manchin Would Speed Up Projects, West Virginia Gas

EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act’s greenhouse gas emission cuts would dwarf any new emissions resulting from the bill’s oil and gas provisions.

Surprise Climate Bill Will Meet Goal of 40% Cut In U.S. Emissions, Energy Models Predict

EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act would cut U.S. emissions enough to put us back on track to meet the country’s Paris Agreement goals.

Politicians Call For ‘Blue Hydrogen Power.’ But Just How Green Is It?

EI’s Greg Alvarez explains hydrogen produced using wind and solar– or green hydrogen– is the only way to use hydrogen that would significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions.

How Manchin-Schumer Would Change Energy, From Oil to Solar

EI’s Dan Esposito explains the proposed Inflation Reduction Act contains several provisions that would help grow green hydrogen and hydrogen produced using carbon capture and storage.

Nuclear Energy Has New Appeal As Climate Pressures Mount

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains building a diverse portfolio of renewable energy can provide many of the same benefits traditional baseload power sources do.

Senate Deal’s ‘Huge’ Carbon Cuts Would Keep U.S. Climate Goals Alive

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the Inflation Reduction Act could cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030.

What Democrats’ New Big Bill Would Actually Do

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains new proposed legislation in the Senate would create key tools to fight both inflation and climate change.

California’s Grid Is Beating The Summer Heat– So Far

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains the growth of battery storage in California is helping to keep the grid reliable in the face of other challenges this summer.

Biden Could Unlock New Powers By Declaring A ‘Climate Emergency’

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains the importance of Congressional action in meeting the Biden administration’s climate goals.

Gavin Newsom Hopes California Can Become Epicenter Of Wind Energy

EI CEO Hal Harvey explains building out offshore wind can play an important role in helping California achieve its climate goals.