Press Archive

What The Climate Law Won’t Achiev

EI analysis finds the U.S. can still meet its Paris Agreement targets by instituting new policies at the state and federal levels, which would also boost the economy, create jobs, and improve public health.

Scientists Achieve Major Advance In Fusion Energy That Could Provide Clean, Carbon-Free Power

EI’s Eric Gimon and Mike O’Boyle explain that new advances in fusion energy mean the technology is still far-off and we need to continue adding more renewable energy to the grid today to meet our climate targets.

Biden Begins New Phase On Climate Action

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains the importance of highlighting the economic and public health benefits of climate policies that passed within the past year.

Fossil Fuel-Funded Opposition Is Blocking America’s Clean Energy Transition. Permitting Reform Can Help

EI’s Greg Alvarez explains the overwhelming majority of onshore wind and solar projects are permitted at the state and local level, and fossil fuel-funded opponents are stirring up local backlash that jeopardizes clean energy goals.

The Power Grid Faced Heat Waves, Record Demand, And Tight Conditions In 2022. What Happens Next?

EI’s Eric Gimon explains climate change and increased extreme weather events are placing new stressors on the country’s electric grid.

Soaring West Virginia Electricity Prices Trigger Standoff Over State’s Devotion To Coal Power

EI research finds building new wind and solar projects in West Virginia would be more cost-effective than continuing to run some of the state’s largest coal plants.

Decarbonizing Industrial Heat Via Heat Pumps

EI’s Jeff Rissman explains industrial heat pumps could eliminate a signification portion of greenhouse gas emissions from industry, but further policy support is needed to speed their adoption.

Episode 77: Hal Harvey

EI CEO Hal Harvey discusses his new book The Big Fix and outlines the ways concerned climate citizens can access the “hidden levers” of political power.

3 Most Eco-Friendly Heating Systems For Your Home

EI’s Sara Baldwin outlines the climate and economic benefits of switching home heating and cooling to an electric heat pump.

Amid A Major Federal Investment In Electric Cars, It’s Time For States To Step Up Advocates Say

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains new legislation should speed the transition to electrified transportation and end years of policy uncertainty.

Long Awaited, Hydrogen’s Moment May Be Here

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains that although hydrogen can be an important tool for cutting emissions, regulators should exercise caution because it should only be used in select instances since electrification is often more economical and sensible.

Technological Learning And policy Together Can Advance Clean Energy

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains the idea of learning curves and how traditional forecasts have often missed clean energy cost declines because they fail to account for them.

A Divisive Arlington Housing Proposal Can Help Save The Climate And Our Wallets

EI’s Dan O’Brien explains a new housing proposal in Arlington, VA is the sort of policy that could increase access to affordable housing while shrinking carbon footprints.

Storage, Demand-Side Innovation, Neighbors, And A Bit Of Luck– Reliability Lessons From Summer 2022

EI’s Mike O’Boyle and Eric Gimon dive into the reliability challenges some regions navigated this summer and looked at what we can learn as the clean energy transition continues.

The Most Notable Home Improvement Incentives In The Inflation Reduction Act

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the Inflation Reduction Act contains key incentives that will help homeowners electrify their houses.

Sara Baldwin Provides A Primer On The Inflation Reduction Act’s EV Impact

EI’s Sara Baldwin offers insights into the Inflation Reduction Act’s EV incentives and impacts.

Industrial Heat Pumps Could Cut 77 Mln Tonnes Of GHGs In US In 2030–Study

EI analysis finds industrial heat pumps could play a key role in cutting emissions from industry, soon to be the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

States Are Vying For Money To Start ‘Hydrogen Hubs.’ What Are They?

EI research finds that while hydrogen can be useful in hard-to-decarbonize sectors like shipping and aviation, it’s a poor choice for home heating and electricity generation.

Battling Heat Waves, The Silent Killer

EI’s Greg Alvarez explains that although climate change is making heat waves more frequent and severe, the news isn’t all bad, as new research is identifying mitigation strategies to limit damage and suffering.

The Inflation Reduction Act Is A ‘Game-Changer’ For Electric Trucks

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the Inflation Reduction Act contains provisions that will greatly speed the adoption of electric trucks and buses.