Press Archive

Small Nuclear Reactors Could Help Recharge Heavy-Duty EVs

EI’s Eric Gimon explains small module nuclear reactors are likely a technology developing too slowly to help charge electric semi-trucks.

U.S. Coal Power Refuses To Die. What That Means For Climate

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains it’s more economical to build new local wind, solar, and storage than it is to continue running 99 percent of the country’s remaining coal plants.

To Slash Emissions, States Must Pass These Five Policies

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains no matter a state’s emissions profile, five core policies form the basis for any serious decarbonization effort.

The U.S. Clean Energy Boom: What Might Stop It?

EI’s Robbie Orvis outlines obstacles that could prevent the expected Inflation Reduction Act clean energy investment influx from occurring.

Renewables Would Provide Cheaper Energy Than 99% of U.S. Coal Plants And Catalyze A Just Energy Transition

EI’s Michelle Solomon and Mike O’Boyle explain replacing virtually every remaining U.S. coal plants with local wind, solar, and storage is more cost effective than continuing to run them.

Five Powerhouse Climate Policies Can Rapidly Slash Emissions And Strengthen The Economy In Any State

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains no matter a state’s unique emissions profile, five core policies are the foundation of cutting emissions and boosting the economy across all 48 contiguous states.

Switch To Clean Energy And Bring $15 Billion To Utah’s Coal Communities

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains that building new local wind, solar, and storage is cheaper than continuing to run Utah’s remaining coal plants, and doing so will create jobs and investment opportunities in coal communities.

Home Of Future: Climate-Friendly, Electrified, And Closer Than Ever

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains because building appliances can last for decades, we need more programs to speed up the transition from fossil-powered homes to electrified ones.

A Double Whammy: Wildfire Debris Pollutes Drinking Water

EI’s Alex Urquhart explains that while wildfires garner most of the attention, long-term impacts to drinking water can be highly damaging and expensive.

New Renewables Outcompete 99 Percent Of Coal Plants

EI research finds nearly all U.S. coal plants could be replaced by local wind, solar, and storage while saving money in the process.

On Competitiveness With Renewables, Dry Fork Station Stands Alone, Report Finds

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains coal is barely scraping by from an economic competitiveness standpoint.

Clean Energy Is Cheaper Than Coal Across The Whole US, Study Finds

EI’s Michelle Solomon and Eric Gimon explain savings resulting from replacing existing coal plants with new renewable projects can finance a tremendous amount of battery storage.

‘No Regrets’ Approach To Big Batteries, Green Hydrogen And Grid Reliability Urgently Needed, Analysts Say

EI’s Dan Esposito explains the best decisions regulators can make are approving more clean energy and transmission while using federal incentives to test emerging technologies.

Replacing U.S. Coal Plants With Solar And Wind Is Cheaper Than Running Them

EI’s Michelle Solomon and Mike O’Boyle explain it’s cheaper to build new local wind, solar, and storage than it is to continue running 209 of the remaining 210 coal plants in the U.S.

Coal In The U.S. Is Pointlessly Expensive

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains renewable cost declines and Inflation Reduction Act incentives means coal can simply no longer compete with wind and solar on economics.

U.S. Renewable Energy Farms Outstrip 99% Of Coal Plants Economically– Study

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains wind and solar prices have fallen so far that combined with Inflation Reduction Act incentives, only one U.S. coal plants is still economic compared to renewables.

New Wind And Solar Are Cheaper Than The Costs To Operate All But One Coal-Fired Power Plant In The United States

EI’s Michelle Solomon and Eric Gimon explain there has been a huge acceleration of coal’s declining economics in the last few months due to the Inflation Reduction Act.

Report: Duke Energy’s N.C. Coal Plants More Expensive To Run Than Building New Solar Farms

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains most of the U.S. coal fleet is uneconomic compared to renewables by a large margin.

Heat Pumps: Energy-Efficient And Running Off Electricity, Denver Wants To Make Them More Affordable Too

EI’s Dan Esposito explains how his heat pump kept his home 70 degrees while using no natural gas during Denver’s coldest day in decades.

99 Percent Of U.S. Coal Plants Are More Expensive Than New Renewables Would Be: Report

EI research finds only one operating coal plant in the U.S. is cheaper to run than building new wind, solar, and storage projects.