Press Archive

More Than 100 NJ Health Professionals Urge Faster Adoption Of Advanced Clean Cars II Rule

EI research finds if other states adopted California’s latest clean cars rule it would result in major economic, public health and climate benefits.

Letting U.S. Green Hydrogen Use Existing Renewables ‘Could Increase Emissions By Factor Of Five’

EI’s Dan Esposito details how loose federal guidance on the 45V hydrogen tax credit could increase emissions even if using renewable energy.

Treasury Is Urged To Tighten Definition Of ‘Green’ Hydrogen

EI’s Dan Esposito says Treasury Department guidance could ensure the 45V clean hydrogen production tax credit could ensure green hydrogen growth.

Morning Energy: Biden’s Tailpipe Rule Gambit

EI’s Dan Esposito says loose 45V production tax credit rules could slow green hydrogen’s industry growth instead of accelerating it.

EVs Just Got A Big Boost. We’re Going To Need A Lot More Chargers

EI’s Robbie Orvis and Dan O’Brien explain a lot of infrastructure, from public to home charging, needs to be worked out in order to successfully scale electric vehicle adoption.

California’s Clean Cars Rule Would Deliver Jobs, Household Savings In Other States

EI’s Dan O’Brien and Rachel Goldstein detail how California’s Clean Cars rule could transform the U.S. auto market through adoption in 16 other states.

Seventeen States Could Accelerate U.S. Electric Vehicle Sales To 75% By 2050

EI’s Robbie Orvis says new modeling shows electric vehicles could accelerate to 75% of all US cars on the road by 2050 if the “Section 177” states follow California’s Advanced Clean Cars II rule.

Delayed Piece Of EV Tax Credit Guidance Leaves Industry In Limbo

EI’s Robbie Orvis discusses how delayed federal EV tax credit guidance has left some parts of the auto industry in limbo.

Electrifying Cars Without Driving The Grid Off A Cliff

EI’s Sara Baldwin outlines how electric vehicle demand can be integrated into the grid to prevent new demand from causing power outages.

Inside Biden’s Balancing Act On Ditching Coal

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says energy economics and new pollution standards could continue to push coal plants toward closure across the U.S.

Clean Energy Makes Economic And Environmental Sense For Pennsylvania

EI’s Greg Alvarez says investing in clean energy is a better bet for Pennsylvania than its traditional reliance on oil, gas, and coal.

DOE Transmission Study Highlights America’s Transmission Needs, But How Do We Accelerate Buildout?

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains by providing FERC with the authority to allocate costs to states according to benefits, Congress can help transmission lines avoid one of the most significant sources of delay.

EV Makers Must ‘Hit The Accelerator’ To Meet Demand

EI’s Sara Baldwin discusses how automakers can tap federal funds to increase electric vehicle manufacturing capacity.

Will America’s New Climate Law Supercharge Clean Energy Development?

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says the Inflation Reduction Act has started a clean energy boom but requires federal and state action to reach its full potential.

Climate Quickie: IPCC Report– What Hope Can We Take?

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the technologies and solutions we need to avert climate crisis all largely exist today, and the challenge is instituting policies to get these technologies adopted more quickly.

As California Grid Interconnection Requests Triple, Analysts Asses CAISO’s Moves To Handle The Influx

EI’s Eric Gimon explains the problem that would arise if California closes its gas plants before connecting new renewables to the grid.

7% Of New Cars Sold In The U.S. Are Electric. Here’s What It Will Take To Hit 50% By 2030

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the U.S. market is already demanding more electric vehicles, and companies are making investment decisions to scale up production based on that demand.

Opening U.S. EV Tax Credits To Critical Minerals From EU Will Be A Balancing Act

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains we have duel EV adoption goals that are sometimes at odds– increasing the amount of EVs on the road as quickly as possible while also building a domestic supply chain.

Nevada Plans To Add Gas Plant As Drought Threatens Power Grid

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains drought impacting hydropower is something grid operators in the Southwest have always planned for, but climate change is making the issue more urgent.

The Latest Climate Report Is Bleak. Here’s Why There’s Still Hope

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains most of the technology we need to combat climate change exists today, and most of the remaining barriers concern policy.