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Trending Topics—Do Pay-for-Performance Capacity Markets Deliver the Outcomes We Need?

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Capacity markets intend to bridge the gap between revenues available from energy markets and the all-in cost of desired capacity. They offer commitments, still short-term relative to most investment timescales, to make fixed payments for the right to call on an energy resource when needed.

Research backs The 8 Principles of sustainable urban design

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With the world’s population rapidly urbanizing, the future of the planet’s climate hinges on the sustainability of its cities. Will these cities be sprawling and force residents to sit in crippling traffic jams as they choke on polluted air? Or will they offer easy access to goods and services through a variety of transportation options that emit fewer carbon emissions and other air pollutants?

Capping California’s emissions at 40% below 1990 levels will renew its climate leadership

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Energy Innovation’s new report on California climate policy argues the state should adopt an ambitious 2030 target to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below their 1990 level. This strong yet achievable goal will help the state maintain its clean energy leadership.

America’s Power Plan Submits Its Vision for the SEPA’s 51st State

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Today, the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) posted all of the submissions to the 51st State Challenge, a call for utility stakeholders to take a “fresh” look at electricity policy in a state with no preexisting regulations or market structure. The twelve submissions will be judged by a panel of policy experts that will determine which papers feature at the 51st State Summit on April 27 in San Diego.

The path toward a low-carbon California

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California risks falling short of the pace necessary to meet the its target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Fortunately, California’s policymakers are putting in place the next phase of energy policies that would maintain the state’s leadership for decades to come. Energy Innovation has created a set of recommendations to keep the state on track for deep carbon reductions by 2030 and beyond.

Trending Topics – What can we learn from evolving renewable contracts and grid operations?

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As low-cost renewables provide a growing share of the electricity, grid operations—and thus power markets, financial structures, and policies—must evolve. This article draws lessons from power contracts and markets about the evolving role of renewables from two different organized markets.

Our new video charts the plunging price of wind and solar

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We’ve created a short video that illustrates the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for both conventional and alternative sources. The video highlights the plummeting costs of renewable energy technologies like wind and solar.

Energy Innovation Responds to California Building Codes Study

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Energy Innovation sent the following response to Dr. Arik Levinson, detailing our feedback on his analysis of California’s energy savings from building codes. The take-away is that Dr. Levinson’s analysis is incomplete and therefore inconclusive.

Energy Innovation partners with China-California collaboration on cities and climate

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Energy Innovation is excited to be part of the California-China Urban Climate Collaborative (CCUCC), a new initiative that lies at the intersection of two of our priorities: strengthening California’s climate policies and helping Chinese cities reduce their carbon footprint.

Trending Topics – Efficiency: Can we accept less stringent oversight if it means better outcomes?

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Energy efficiency is a big business. However, some are beginning to question whether money could be spent more wisely to achieve greater levels of efficiency. Now is the time for policymakers to take a hard look at how to scale-up energy efficiency cost-effectively.