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Hal Harvey’s Insights and Updates – Tipping Points for Clean Energy

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New technology has tipping points—defined by functionality, consumer preference, and price. Clean energy is passing a huge one. It is now cheaper, in many parts of the country, to build a brand-new wind farm or solar plant than simply to pay the operating costs of coal, and sometimes even natural gas. That is the kind of tipping point worth paying attention to. There is clean energy, and cash, on the table—let’s use them to accelerate our low-carbon energy transition.

Trending Topics – How a Cold March Day in Texas Exposed the Value of Flexibility, and What Markets Can Learn

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As the need for flexible resources grows, there will be an increasing number of “bellwether events.” Resource developers are likely to respond by building new resources that can capture this value on the spot market and through bilateral contracts with utilities. However, not all markets are structured to reward flexibility in the same way as in energy-only markets.

Trending Topics – Getting the Most out of Grid Modernization

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States and utilities around the country are considering new utility investments in modernizing the grid. As utilities come to the table for grid modernization funds in many states, regulators and stakeholders should start planning now to get ahead of the process and generate the most benefits from those investments. APP experts Sonia Aggarwal and Mike O’Boyle have laid out five steps utility regulators can take to ensure customers reap the benefits promised by a modern grid.

Trending Topics – A Survivor’s Guide to the Debate Over Existing Nuclear Plants

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Some nuclear plants consistently in the red in competitive wholesale markets have driven some to call for re-regulation and the abandonment of a free market approach. With an aging nuclear fleet, policymakers will inevitably face decisions about how long to support existing plants and how to avoid capacity shortfalls when shutting them down at the ends of their lives.

Obstacles and Opportunities for America’s Clean Energy Future

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The Fletcher Forum interviewed Mr. Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation (a San Francisco-based energy and environmental policy firm) at the 2017 Tufts Energy Conference, where he discussed energy R&D, the political landscape for energy technologies, energy infrastructure challenges, and financial opportunities for energy innovation.

Trending Topics – Wind and solar are our cheapest electricity generation sources. Now what do we do?

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For years, many debates on the future of the electricity system centered on getting the balance right between higher costs and lower environmental impacts. But the economics of the renewable energy transition are rapidly shifting. It’s looking like we may not have to choose between affordability and environmental impact – a cleaner, cheaper grid may be within reach.

Trending Topics – Was 2016 the Year for Wholesale Power Market Reform?

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Back in January, I suggested 2016 was the year for wholesale power market reform. So, was it? OK, of course shifts in these kinds of institutions take longer than one year, but 2016 has seen real progress and there’s a good chance it will continue in 2017 and beyond. The electricity mix continues to churn. During this period of transition, it is particularly important for policymakers to pay close attention to proposed changes in wholesale power markets.

Science and Economics – Not Politics – Will Strand Fossil Fuels

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America’s post-election recalibration is nowhere as poignant, and consequential, as on climate change: If we lose the next four or eight years without serious action, the inexorable mathematics of carbon accumulation push a safe climate future far from reach. Fortunately, while President-Elect Trump may try reversing climate policy, other forces are reducing emissions without pause. Technology, economics, and state policy, will increasingly force fossil fuels to remain where they belong: in the ground.

Four Reasons Why 30% Wind and Solar are Technically no Big Deal

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Lower costs, enhanced capabilities, and an abundance of resources have set the United States and much of the world on track to increase renewable energy deployment and decrease carbon emissions from the energy sector. Still, the question of whether the U.S. can reliably and affordably integrate large amounts of wind and solar confronts policymakers – so we’re giving you four reasons 30% wind and solar is technically no big deal.

Trending Topics – How Utilities Can Become Efficiency Innovators

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With future federal clean energy policies in doubt, proactive clean energy policy will likely be left largely to states in the next few years. Fortunately, a New York policy proposal could show the way forward on energy efficiency for utilities. An outcome-oriented metric would focus on the policy goal of reduced energy use overall, putting a smaller emphasis on the administratively intensive business of attributing savings to specific actions.