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Polls Show Americans See Value in Combating Climate Change

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Last week, the Obama administration announced proposed regulations on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from power plants. The proposed rule calls for a 30 percent reduction in GHG emissions (compared to 2005 levels) by 2030. (Energy Innovation CEO, Hal Harvey, opines…

Ask the Experts of America’s Power Plan: Volume 7

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This post was originally featured on the America’s Power Plan blog. To view more Q&As, go to APP’s “Ask the Experts” page, or check out APP’s monthly newsletters, which include previous Q&As and much more. This is the next edition…

National Climate Assessment Examines Climate Change Impacts in the U.S.

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On May 6th, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) released its Third National Climate Assessment (NCA) report, the largest and most comprehensive U.S. climate assessment to date. Pursuant to the Global Change Research Act of 1990, Congress requires the…

The Solar Industry Celebrates Six Decades of Innovation

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This Friday marks the 60th anniversary of the first demonstration of a photovoltaic cell converting solar energy into electricity. Bell Laboratory engineers Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson displayed this breakthrough technology at a press conference on April 25th,…

The Mystery of the Missing Methane

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Last week, Energy Innovation released its latest paper, “The Mystery of the Missing Methane,” which urges the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to improve its data collection and analysis of methane emissions. The paper’s author, Energy Innovation’s Director of Research Chris…

APP’s Latest Paper Released at the Western Interstate Energy Board Meeting

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As innovation continues to redefine America’s power sector, century-old regulatory models are no longer serving advanced utilities or their customers. Performance-based ratemaking could be a game-changing solution for the utility industry. America’s Power Plan has a terrific new paper that…

Renewables Plus Storage Point Toward a Clean Electricity Future

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Technological innovation and declining cost curves have allowed wind and solar power to become increasingly more competitive with fossil-fuel generation in recent years. However, in the past, there hasn’t been a cost-effective way to store the electricity being generated during…

Energy Innovation Outlines Policy Upgrades for a Carbon-Free California

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This week, Energy Innovation released a paper outlining recommended policy upgrades for California’s climate and energy policy. The paper, titled “Carbon-Free Prosperity in California: Policies for Success,” was written by Energy Innovation’s CEO, Hal Harvey, and Director of Research, Chris Busch.

Winter Olympics Threatened by Climate Change

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This year’s winter Olympics may unfortunately be one of the greatest opportunities to show a global audience the catastrophic impacts of climate change. The average February temperature in Sochi has been around 50 degrees F, making these Games easily the…

The Green Bank Movement Gains Momentum

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Revolutionary clean energy technologies often make headlines, but the nuts and bolts of supporting the scale-up of new technologies typically take a backseat. However, the emergence of new clean energy finance tools has begun to gain media, as well as…