The 2024 Presidential Election Will Make or Break U.S. Climate Action

Robbie Orvis explains recent modeling by EI, which found that Project 2025’s climate policies would increase emissions and decrease GDP.

Climate Law Sparks Swing-State Boom In Clean Energy Manufacturing.

EI’s Jack Conness explains recent findings that swing states will host 48 percent of the newly announced clean energy manufacturing projects.

Five (And Soon, Maybe Six) Of The Country’s 10 Largest Coal Plants Have Retirement Dates

EI’s Brendan Pierpont weighs in on news that one of the country’s largest coal plants is preparing for retirement.

Project 2025 Will Raise Ohians’ Energy Costs And Cost The State Jobs, Report Says

EI’s Robbie Orvis discusses recent report findings that Project 2025 would cost jobs along with savings from energy efficiency and reduced dependence on fossil fuels.

If Renewable Power Becomes Too Cheap To Meter, Is That A Climate Win?

EI analysis identifies the volatility of natural gas prices and distribution costs as two big drivers of electricity prices.

Is The U.S. Really Experiencing A Boom In Green Energy Jobs?

EI’s Jack Conness explains that overall the U.S. economy is experiencing a clean energy manufacturing boom that has created tens of thousands of good jobs.

Is Restarting Three Mile Island Really A Good Idea?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains that utility demand forecasts are showing that energy demand is growing faster in some regions than in others.

Project 2025

EI analysis finds that Project 2025 policies would result in the loss of 1.7 million jobs and increase emissions by 27 percent.

Evergreen Action: New Report – Project 2025 Will Lead To Massive Job Losses And Increased Energy Costs In Wisconsin

EI modeling finds that implementing Project 2025 policies will cause significant job and GDP losses, and higher household energy costs and climate pollution by 2035.

The Country’s Second-Largest Coal Plant May Get A Three-Year Reprieve From Retirement. Why?

EI’s Brendan Pierpont weighs in on Duke Energy’s proposed three-year extension for the country’s second-largest coal-fired power plant.