New Oregon Energy Policy Simulator Modeling Shows Major Benefits Of Accelerating Climate Policies

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The new Oregon Energy Policy Solutions model helps policymakers measure progress and design additional emissions reduction policies. Oregon EPS modeling finds more ambitious climate policies could cut emissions 74 percent and add $4 billion to the state’s economy by 2050.

United States Energy Policy Simulator Update 3.3.1

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U.S. Energy Policy Simulator 3.3.1 adds several new features covering the transportation and power sectors, and includes data improvements like an updated business-as-usual trajectory to reflect the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act as well as carbon capture and sequestration deployment. 

United States EPS Update 3.3

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The United States Energy Policy Simulator 3.3 update builds on the previously released version 3.2.1 by adding demographic breakdowns of premature mortality, improving the user interface, and adding policies to address domestic manufacturing and nitrous oxide emissions, among other improvements.