California Urged To Accelerate Offshore Wind Development To Tackle Climate Crisis And Boost Economy

New research reveals that if California implements smart state and federal policies, they could install offshore wind farms that would create over 100 gigawatts of electricity

Offshore Wind Potential In The U.S. Is Huge But Untapped

Offshore wind has the potential to generate up to a quarter of American electricity by 2050 and diversify the energy supply.

New Reports Make Shocking Reveal About America’s Coal-Fueled Power Plants – A Record-Setting Change Is The Culprit

EI’s Coal Cost Crossover 3.0 found that it is cheaper to replace 99% of U.S. coal-fueled plants with renewable energy options.

As U.S. Lags EU And China In Offshore Wind Energy Ambition, Study Examines Full Potential; NY Could Be Key

EI research shows that the U.S. has the potential to multiply its offshore wind generation by more than 11-fold by 2050

Green Takes Aim At EEI

EI’s 2035 and Beyond Offshore Wind Report finds that the U.S. has the capacity to produce 4,000 gigawatts of power from offshore wind per year.

Offshore Wind Can Meet Quarter of U.S. Power Demand

EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses how the U.S. can reach its net-zero goals by increasing offshore wind and speeding up the roll out of onshore wind and solar facilities.

Texas: A Model For Sustainable Energy Development

New renewable projects are more cost-effective than existing coal power plants, and Texas has the opportunity to capitalize on their wind and solar energy production.

Texas Is Aligning Climate And Energy Needs

EI’s Coal Cost Crossover 3.0 report is cited as further evidence that Texas has the potential to use renewable energy to boost the economy and improve grid reliability, while also addressing their climate needs

Offshore Wind: An Economic And Energy Solution For California

EI’s Offshore Wind Report found that if California capitalizes on their offshore wind potential, they could generate enough power by 2045 to supply 25 million homes.

New Study Finds Offshore Wind Could Provide 25% Of U.S. Electricity Needs By 2050

EI’s recent 2035 Offshore Wind and Beyond report found that offshore wind could provide 10-25 percent of America’s total electricity generation.