Electrification is key to clean buildings
Electrification—replacing appliances that burn fossil fuels with ones that run on electricity—is the fastest way to cut climate pollution from buildings.
We should start electrifying buildings today
Fossil-fueled equipment have long lifespans and emit harmful climate and air pollutants. During new construction or replacement, we must deploy the most efficient, all-electric technologies. Heat pumps for space and water heating and clothes drying, induction stoves for cooking, and other energy-saving appliances reduce pollution and improve indoor air quality.
Widespread adoption of zero-carbon building codes will reduce emissions faster
Buildings and their emissions endure for decades, if not centuries. Adopting zero-carbon codes for new or renovated residential and commercial buildings today is the most effective way to reduce energy demand, ensure long-term energy performance, and achieve net zero emissions. Strong building codes also reduce energy costs, improve health and comfort, and optimize productivity.
High-performance buildings support an affordable, clean, and reliable energy future
Buildings do not stand alone. They are connected to the electricity grid and increasingly interconnected with the transportation system. As both evolve, so too must buildings adopt more advanced technologies, like grid-interactive appliances, on-site charging, and clean energy systems that reduce energy demand, support resilience goals, and mitigate energy price volatility.
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Electrify This! examines the most important policy, regulatory, and market issues in the shift to an electrified world.