Hal Harvey – Environment – 21st Heinz Awards event at CMU

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At the 21st Heinz Awards event at Carnegie Mellon University, Environment recipient, Hal Harvey, talks about the approaches he advocates to leverage our move towards sustainable energy, from utilities to transportation to industry.

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Winning Strategies to Decarbonize the Economy

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At the 2016 ZERO Conference in Oslo, Hal described strategies for decarbonizing the economy. He highlights examples of successful clean energy technologies and policies around the world, and concludes with a list of six best practices for designing energy policies that work.

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How to Land on a Low-Carbon Energy Future

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At Stanford’s Energy Seminar, Hal presents three types of policies and a handful of policy design principles that can most effectively drive the world to a low-carbon energy future. He concludes with an example of transportation sector policies, including vehicle efficiency standards, vehicle fees, and feebates.

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China’s Development and Urbanization: Implications

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What minimum requirements China must undertake in order to achieve a sustainable urban future? In Hal’s presentation at the 2016 Equilibrium Capital Forum, he describes the perils of China’s current city planning strategies, and the promises it holds by following a dozen simple and implementable guidelines to sustainable development.

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Energy Policy and Productive Use of Capital

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A handful of well-designed energy policies can drive deep decarbonization across all economic sectors, and do so cost-effectively. Around the world, there are examples of policies that have exceeded expectations, and others that have failed utterly. In his presentation at the 2016 Equilibrium Capital Forum, Hal describes six best practices for designing smart energy policy.

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Hal Harvey explains the history of the Clean Air Act and Clean Power Plan

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In this video, Hal Harvey explains the history of the Clean Air Act, and how it sparked environmental regulation and technology innovation to reduce harmful air pollution. The Supreme Court’s ruling to include greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act led to the Clean Power Plan, which will limit greenhouse gas emissions from power plants by 2030.

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Energy Policy Solutions – Keynote by Hal Harvey

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In this video, Hal Harvey announces the launch of Energy Policy Solutions, an assessment of climate and energy policies to decarbonize America at the lowest cost. He presentation includes a discussion of what policies can meet EPA’s Clean Power Plan target and the U.S. 2025 emissions target, and the economic benefits of pursuing each policy package.

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Energy Policy Solutions – The Web Application

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Energy Innovation’s senior analyst Jeffrey Rissman demonstrates the online interface of the Energy Policy Simulator, a web application which visualizes in real-time the cost and emissions impacts of more than 50 climate and energy policies, in any combination with one another and set at any level.

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Energy Policy Solutions – Panel Discussion

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The Energy Policy Solutions launch event concluded with a panel discussion on U.S. energy’s milestones and lessons learned, and policy recommendations for the future. The panel, moderated by Energy Innovation’s director of strategy Sonia Aggarwal, included Michael Eckhart (Citibank), Peter Fox-Penner (The Brattle Group), and Andy Karsner (Manifest Energy).

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Energy for Tomorrow 2015 – Policy and the Art of the Possible

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At the “Energy For Tomorrow” Conference, Tom Friedman interviews Andy Karsner and Hal Harvey to discuss where energy policy needs to go to ensure a low-carbon future. Their conversation touches on major findings from Energy Innovation’s Energy Policy Solutions project and describes how these findings can shape policies to meet national climate commitments.

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