Modeling A 1.5°C Pathway To Climate Leadership For The United States

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EI analysts discuss state-of-the-art modeling showing a comparatively small set of policies can help the U.S. achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and the emissions reductions required by 2030 for a 1.5°C pathway in line with President Biden’s pledge to reduce emissions 50-52 percent by 2030.

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Climate Dialogues With Jerry Brown. Featuring Hal Harvey

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EI’s CEO Hal Harvey joins California-China Institute chair Governor Jerry Brown to talk about the smart, practical policies and technologies that can accelerate the clean energy transition and create new opportunities for economic development.

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Modeling Deep Decarbonization In The Nevada Energy Policy Simulator

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In this presentation to the Nevada Assembly’s Growth and Infrastructure Committee, EI’s Robbie Orvis shares insights for policy design based on the 1.5°C Scenario developed by Energy Innovation and RMI, showing how ambitious climate policies can achieve Nevada’s goals, while creating economic growth and adding new jobs.

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Let’s Get Organized! Long-Term Market Design for a High Penetration Grid

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EI’s Eric Gimon shares a new model for understanding how energy markets can best function with a high penetration of renewable energy resources called the Energy Market Cascade and explains three principles for an efficient market design.

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Texas Power Freeze First Impressions

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EI’s Eric Gimon explains why a flawed incentive structure added unnecessary financial pain to the damage from the Texas outages, along with key lessons from the crisis including the need for a holistic approach to energy markets and the need for “managed failure.”

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Pathways To A Low Carbon Future Part 2

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In this presentation to state legislators and legislative staff, EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains how well-designed, state policy targeting specific sectors is an effective, economic tool for reducing emissions and creating jobs.

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Pathways To A Low Carbon Future Part 1

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In this presentation to state legislators and legislative staff, EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains why greenhouse gas accounting is a strong foundation for carbon reductions and how policies can work together to accelerate clean energy deployment and reduce costs.

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Demo Of U.S. Energy Policy Simulator Economic And Health Modeling Capabilities

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This interactive demonstration of Energy Innovation’s U.S. Energy Policy Simulator’s newest features – including new job creation and GDP benefit estimates of various policy scenarios – shows how the online tool can model the emission, economic, and health benefits of a 1.5° Celsius degree policy pathway scenario.

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How To Decarbonize The Grid And Electrify Everything

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EI’s CEO Hal Harvey joins acclaimed venture capitalist John Doerr to discuss the breakthroughs we need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, as part of the global launch of the Countdown initiative. To do this, we need to decarbonize the grid and then “electrify everything” including buildings, cars, and industry.

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Climate Policy Is Health Policy: Making Your Case With The Energy Policy Simulator

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This webinar taught climate and health advocates how to use the Energy Policy Simulator online modeling tool to demonstrate the importance of climate and energy policy for protecting public health and reducing premature death. Armed with clear and compelling data, illustrated by interactive graphs, climate and health advocates can effectively communicate why strong climate policies are a “win-win” for health and jobs.

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