Press Archives
Analysis and Commentary
How cities can stand up to climate change
Considering the magnitude of the climate change issue, commitments at the national scale are necessary if the world is to feel any sort of emissions reduction impact. That said, an efficient and effective way to meet these commitments comes from the cities within a nation.
California’s International Model For Climate Success
The COP21 international climate agreement negotiations should be guided by California’s experience. While our transition is ongoing, smart policy and bipartisan leadership have reduced emissions and increased renewable energy while creating economic growth.
3 Ways Public Power Providers Can Prepare for Technology and Market Changes
A new set of case studies and lessons, titled Maximizing Performance of Public Power Utilities, illuminates examples of how publicly-owned utilities can deliver the outcomes desired by their customer-owners through high-level performance management.
Skin in the Game: New Case Studies Illuminate Best Practices for DER Ownership and Operation
A new report from America’s Power Plan investigates the question, “who should own and operate distributed energy resources?” It turns out there there are many options for who can own and operate DERs—and any of them can work, as long as the revenue streams are designed or adjusted appropriately.
The Future of Demand Response Without FERC Order 745
Two experts consider what the demand-response market will look like if the Supreme Court kills FERC’s landmark rule. While this ruling potentially affects DR in capacity and ancillary service markets, their exchange focuses on the future of DR in wholesale energy markets.
A Tale of Two Regions: Why Wind Is Booming in Texas and Stalling in the West
Comparing two regions with similar total installed wind capacity, WECC and Texas, demonstrates the importance of good transmission planning. The lesson for transmission planning is clear: if you build it, wind will come.
A Mobility Plan in Los Angeles
Los Angeles’ Mobility 2035 plan shouldn’t be feared by residents. It will help solve gridlock and create true mobility by creating more transportation options, which is the best way to solve traffic congestion in California, home to three of the five most congested metro regions in America.
The Invisible Design Features of Cities
To the untrained eye, beautiful skylines, impressive subway systems, and lively public parks characterize great cities. However, there are also a number of invisible design features that characterize the best cities – urban growth boundaries, transit-oriented development, walking and biking pathway density, and small blocks are among the most important of these design features.
From Old to New: How Rethinking Regulation Can Deliver a Smarter Electricity System
As with any investor-owned company, managers of investor-owned utilities are obligated to maximize shareholder value. So how can regulators help to align shareholder value creation with the public interest? Enter performance-based regulation.
How Smart Growth Puts California on the Path to 2030 Climate Success
California wants to reduce emissions 40% by 2030. Smart growth policies would help the state achieve this target, save the government billions on infrastructure and health costs, and save residents thousands annually in transportation costs, all while empowering economic growth and housing equality.