Clean Power Plan Repeal Would Cost America $600 Billion, Cause 120,000 Premature Deaths

The Trump administration has prioritized repealing the Clean Power Plan , but new analysis shows that repealing the rule would cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars, add more than a billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and cause more than 100,000 premature deaths.

Three Investor Strategies For Energy Storage’s Exponential Growth

Has energy storage’s moment arrived, or is it still just around the corner? As technology costs decline while battery deployments proliferate, existing niche markets for storage will expand, opening new markets and value-streams.

Don’t Let Auto Fuel Efficiency Standards Go In Reverse

In a recent meeting with U.S. auto executives, President Trump hinted his administration will try to roll back America’s fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks. This would be a profound disservice to American consumers, military men and women, and the environment. By 2050, a rollback on these standards would cost America nearly half a trillion dollars, add billions of tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and cause thousands of premature deaths.

Carbon Prices Rise In California’s Cap-And-Trade Program As Legal Certainty Grows

California’s cap-and-trade program is starting 2017 on a strong note ahead of its first quarterly auction on February 22. Despite an uneven performance last year, the state’s carbon market is strengthening through rising prices as legal certainty over its future takes shape.

Harnessing The Power Of The People Through “Value Of Solar”… And Beyond

Many states are examining a “value of solar” rate to resolve net energy metering disputes. However, by valuing only solar, they are missing the opportunity to take advantage of other growing distributed energy resources (DER) like energy efficiency, demand response, or energy storage.

Clean Energy Is At The Core Of American Strategic Interests

The world is turning away from highly polluting, high-carbon energy sources, but America may be at risk of marching in the opposite direction. If we fail to take advantage of clean energy’s potential, we fail to control our fate. Let’s not forfeit our energy destiny to other countries.

Wind and Solar Are Our Cheapest Electricity Generation Sources. Now What Do We Do?

Debates about the future of America’s electricity system have long centered on a binary choice between lowering costs or decreasing pollution. But that has changed. In many parts of the country, new renewables are simply the cheapest resource.

California’s power to trump climate denial

Days before Donald Trump becomes president, fear is running high that climate denial in the White House will accelerate global warming. At this pivotal moment, when the world is committed to fighting climate change through the breakthrough U.N.’s Paris Agreement, California can trump climate denial by pushing forward faster than ever.

Wind and Solar Costs Are Plummeting: Now What Do We Do?

The story from Lazard’s 10th annual report on levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is clear. Rapid technology cost reductions mean wind and solar are now the cheapest form of generation in many places around the country, without federal subsidies like tax credits. The time is now to radically adjust for a paradigm where wind and solar form the backbone of our electricity grid.

Was 2016 the Year for Wholesale Power Market Reform?

Back in January, I suggested 2016 was the year for wholesale power market reform. So, was it? While shifts in these kinds of institutions take longer than one year, we’ve seen real progress on the four factors that made 2016 a turning point, and we believe progress will continue in 2017.