Listening To Beneficiary Needs And Respecting Grantees

EI’s Hal Harvey outlines how listening to beneficiary needs and respecting grantees can ensure that philanthropic funding is money well spent.

Will Ontario’s Carbon Market Withdrawal Harm The Western Climate Initiative? No, Says Price Rebound.

EI’s Chris Busch says Ontario’s withdrawal from the WCI carbon market was a temporary setback for North American cap-and-trade, but the nostalgic play for 20th century economics could cost Canada’s most populous province billions.

Three Ways Energy Storage Can Generate Revenue In America’s Organized Power Markets

EI’s Eric Gimon says even though energy storage is surging in the U.S., it hasn’t yet been able to plug into America’s organized power markets, but fortunately, energy storage can tap these new markets and earn revenue through three tactics.

Refining Competitive Electricity Market Rules To Unlock Flexibility

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal and Robbie Orvis outline how to increase grid flexibility in competitive energy markets by refining market rules in Electricity Journal.

New Jersey Is Now The United States’ Hottest Clean Energy Economy

EI’s Mike O’Boyle and NJ Conservation Foundation’s Barb Blumenthal say New Jersey is the hottest U.S. clean energy market with a 50% renewable energy by 2030 goal as well as America’s most ambitious offshore wind and energy storage targets.

New Jersey (Re)emerges As A National Clean Energy Leader

EI’s Mike O’Boyle co-authors an editorial describing how New Jersey’s new clean energy legislation will help it re-emerge as a national leader on offshore wind, solar power, efficiency, and energy storage.

Uneconomic Coal Could Be Squeezed Out Of European Union Power Markets By 2030

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says economics and climate policies are squeezing European Union coal generation, closing power plants and threatening huge stranded asset costs. Coal could be completely uneconomic in the EU as soon as 2030.

ERCOT’s Summer Peak Demand Forecast: New Investment, Generator Profits, No Blackouts

EI’s Eric Gimon discusses how the ERCOT summer peak demand forecast will weather tight supply margins and attract new investment without suffering blackouts.

China’s All In On Electric Vehicles: Here’s How That Will Accelerate Sales In Other Nations.

EI’s Chris Busch explores how China’s expansion into the global electric vehicles market will accelerate EV sales in other nations by driving down prices and spurring manufacturing competition.

Electric Buses Can Save America’s Local Governments Billions: China’s Showing Us How It’s Done

EI’s Silvio Marcacci highlights the trend of America’s largest cities converting their bus fleets from diesel to electric buses because they could save billions in fuel costs, and says China may hold the key to electrifying U.S. bus fleets.