What The Climate Law Won’t Achiev

EI analysis finds the U.S. can still meet its Paris Agreement targets by instituting new policies at the state and federal levels, which would also boost the economy, create jobs, and improve public health.

U.S. Climate Goals A ‘Heavy Lift”– Analysis

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains that even with the Inflation Reduction Act now law, more ambitious policies are needed at the state and federal level to meet the country’s Paris Agreement climate targets.

What Does A Split U.S. Congress Mean For The Energy Transition?

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains what it means for energy policy now that Republicans hold the U.S. House of Representatives.

Biden Begins New Phase On Climate Action

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains the importance of highlighting the economic and public health benefits of climate policies that passed within the past year.

The Power Grid Faced Heat Waves, Record Demand, And Tight Conditions In 2022. What Happens Next?

EI’s Eric Gimon explains climate change and increased extreme weather events are placing new stressors on the country’s electric grid.

Soaring West Virginia Electricity Prices Trigger Standoff Over State’s Devotion To Coal Power

EI research finds building new wind and solar projects in West Virginia would be more cost-effective than continuing to run some of the state’s largest coal plants.

The Road To Low-Carbon Concrete

EI’s Jeff Rissman explains that changing the way we use cement based on structural needs and supporting more R&D can help us lower the greenhouse gas emissions that come from producing it.

3 Most Eco-Friendly Heating Systems For Your Home

EI’s Sara Baldwin outlines the climate and economic benefits of switching home heating and cooling to an electric heat pump.

Episode 77: Hal Harvey

EI CEO Hal Harvey discusses his new book The Big Fix and outlines the ways concerned climate citizens can access the “hidden levers” of political power.

Amid A Major Federal Investment In Electric Cars, It’s Time For States To Step Up Advocates Say

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains new legislation should speed the transition to electrified transportation and end years of policy uncertainty.