As Corporate Renewable Buying Surges, Innovative PPAs Pressure Utilities To Improve Green Tariffs

EI’s Eric Gimon says utilities will face pressure to offer innovative contracts as corporate renewable energy purchases increase.

Steal This Decarbonization Plan!

EI’s Hal Harvey is featured on a podcast discussing policies that can form a decarbonization plan for energy systems to prevent dangerous global warming.

How Some Countries Are Solving Climate Change

When it comes to cutting emissions, there are many paths to success. Sweden, France, South Korea, and Ontario have all taken steps to replace fossil fuels with nuclear, hydro and renewable energy, while China is expanding electric car and battery production. But the absence of U.S. climate leadership is causing heads of state to ease off their goals, and violent protests in France against higher diesel taxes are casting a shadow over efforts to combat climate change. Join us for a discussion about who’s moving ahead and who’s moving backward in the transition to a clean energy economy.

Are Automakers Overestimating EV Demand?

Analysis by EI’s Amanda Myers is cited in an article exploring automakers planning new electric vehicle models to meet consumer EV demand.

Growth Of Electric Cars Could Jeopardize Iowa’s Road Fund

EI’s forecast of electric vehicle deployment in the U.S. is featured in an article about how rising EV numbers could affect Iowa’s road fund.

Renewables + Storage = Cheaper than Coal

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal outlines how fast-falling renewable energy and storage costs make them cheaper than coal and a potential backbone of energy systems.

What Killed Washington’s Carbon Tax?

EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article examining why Washington State’s 2018 carbon tax ballot initiative was defeated at the polls.

How Some Countries Are Solving Climate Change

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal discusses decarbonization policies working around the world on a podcast discussing climate change action.

The Bankruptcy Felt Around The Clean Energy World

APP expert Ron Lehr is quoted in an article discussing the clean energy implications of California utility PG&E’s bankruptcy filing due to wildfire damages.

Unpacking The GND’s Renewables Goal

An editorial from EI’s Robbie Orvis detailing policies enabling 100% renewables through the Green New Deal is mentioned in a daily news summary.