Climate Rule Barrage Caps Biden’s Green Agenda

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The EPA’s final rule allows states to keep online retiring power plants for an additional year, according to EI’s Michelle Solomon, this long lead time should prevent supply shocks.

U.S. DOE Finalizes Rules To Speed Transmission Permitting, Boost Grid Capacity

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EI research finds that upgrading existing lines with advanced conductors could spur a nearly four-fold increase in transmission capacity expansion by 2035 compared to a new-build-only approach.

New Clean Power Rules Force Utilities To Take Clean Energy Seriously

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EI research finds that coal-fired power plants are uncompetitive against clean energy and energy storage in nearly every state in America.

The New EPA Power Plant Rules Are Out — And Could Change The Calculus For Gas

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EI’s Michelle Solomon explains that the new EPA rules will get utilities to think more proactively about how they are going to replace retiring coal plants.

Why Our Brains Are Bad At Climate Change | Nik Sawe. Nicholas Weiler

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EI’s Nik Sawe discusses why we have a hard time properly perceiving the risk of climate change through neuroscience and economics.

New Rules Will Slash Air, Water And Climate Pollution From U.S. Power Plants

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Recent EI research finds that utilities can reliably meet surging energy demand without new gas generation.