Trending Topics – Wind and solar are our cheapest electricity generation sources. Now what do we do?

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For years, many debates on the future of the electricity system centered on getting the balance right between higher costs and lower environmental impacts. But the economics of the renewable energy transition are rapidly shifting. It’s looking like we may not have to choose between affordability and environmental impact – a cleaner, cheaper grid may be within reach.

Clean Energy Is At The Core Of American Strategic Interests

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The world is turning away from highly polluting, high-carbon energy sources, but America may be at risk of marching in the opposite direction. If we fail to take advantage of clean energy’s potential, we fail to control our fate. Let’s not forfeit our energy destiny to other countries.

Wind and Solar Are Our Cheapest Electricity Generation Sources. Now What Do We Do?

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Debates about the future of America’s electricity system have long centered on a binary choice between lowering costs or decreasing pollution. But that has changed. In many parts of the country, new renewables are simply the cheapest resource.